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[Yo. This is a request from @The2ndl It is quite different from how you wanted it to be so I am so sorry. But here it is. Hope you like it. Enjoy guys~](Warning for Haizaki's post:langgauge)
Shōgo Haizaki

Generation of Miracles. You'll see,I'll beat the sht out of you and you will be fcking forced to accept me. You shtheads just don't know how much strong I am,replacing me with that trash of yours. I'll fcking scare the shts out of you! Heh, you'll see...
10 minutes ago

         Kuroko Tetsuya: Scare us? Oh please...

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         Murasakibara Atsushi: I'm getting hungry...

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         Midorima Shintaro: You can have his right arm if you want. I'll take his left leg. It is said that it is good if you fry them.

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         Murasakibara Atsushi: oh thank you Mido-chin.

         Aomine Daiki: Heh, the head's all mine! You can make a soup with this,right?

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         Midorima Shintaro: Yes,Aomine. That is perfect. You can also use the eyes as tofus if you want.

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         Kise Ryouta: I'll take the right leg then. ^w^ Barbecue?

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         Kuroko Tetsuya: Why not? Roasting it is nice. His left arm is mine,please. I shall make sushis. Anyone wants some?

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         Akashi Seijurou: The body is mine,then. And his internal organs. I see that we are ready. Oh wait, I do not want the hotdog and the eggs.

         Nijimura Shūzō: No...Please...I don't like it either. Anything but not those. I'll just come and taste all your cookings. Is that okay?

          Kuroko Tetsuya: Why,yes,of course.

          Akashi Seijurou: Good. Now get your things ready and we will now hunt for this creature.

          Kise Ryouta: How exciting! ∠(= ゚ω゚=)/ Let's go! I am getting hungry.

          Shōgo Haizaki: O.o What are you guys?! I can't understand any of you! You are INSANE!

[Ghad I am so sorry for not updating these past few days cuz we were busy practicing for the anime singing contest and finishing my props for the cosplay. Sheesh!!-.- I am so sorry. Anyway,I cosplayed as Himeko from SKET dance lol. I may be able to update it now since the event is already finished, so...yeah. ^w^ Thank you and thank you. haha xD


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