Double date Contest

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[Yo dudes! Here is for @satomi_chiaki97. Enjoy please! xD]
Akashi Seijurou

Kouki,we will have a date tomorrow. I'll come get you outside your house.
10 minutes ago

  Furihata Kouki: Date? That was sudden!

  Akashi Seijurou: You don't want?

  Furihata Kouki: I-I didn't say that.

  Kuroko Tetsuya: Ohh good. Let's have a double date.

  Kagami Taiga: Oh hell no!!!

  Kuroko Tetsuya: Wouldn't it be great to go out with them?

  Kagami Taiga: No...we are fine.

  Akashi Seijurou: Why not? Sounds great to me.

  Furihata Kouki: If Akashi says so...

  Kuroko Tetsuya: Great. And let's have a competition?

  Akashi Seijurou: Kissing contest sounds fun.

  Furihata Kouki: WHAT?!

  Kagami Taiga: WHAT?!

  Kuroko Tetsuya: Okay then. The couple who kissed in a longer time would be the winner.

  Akashi Seijurou: Kouki's fine with that. Don't even think you two will win against us. We will win, that's for sure.

  Furihata Kouki: Ohhhhhhhh noooooooooo.....!

  Kagami Taiga: WHAT?! Kuroko!!!

  Kuroko Tetsuya: And Kagami-kun's says it's fine. He says he's excited. We will win.

  Kagami Taiga: WTF?!

  Furihata Kouki: WHAT?!

  Akashi Seijurou: Okay then, see you tomorrow. Kouki and I will be practicing tonight.

  Kuroko Tetsuya: Okay,Akashi-kun,see you tomorrow. Kagami-kun and I will be practicing too.

  Kagami Taiga: ..........

  Furihata Kouki: ...........

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