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[OHH MAAAAYYY GHHHAAADDD! I'M SORRY IF I DIDN'T UPDATE ANYTHING LAST WEEK. because our wifi connection is slow and now they are fixing it. I don't know when I could post some updates but I think next week I can finally post.. anyway,I got a chance to post this because we went to my Aunt's house and they let me use their wifi... Thank god! TT^TT anyway,This chapter is for all the AkaKuro fans out there. I'll post more next week. I'm sorry once again!]
Akashi Seijurou

Tetsuya,I am going to pick you up at 5:00 pm tomorrow. Be ready.
15 minutes ago

   Kuroko Tetsuya: Akashi-kun,I have classes tomorrow. I thought we have already decided that we could only go out during week-ends.

   Akashi Seijurou: I miss you already so we will go out tomorrow.

   Kuroko Tetsuya: Akashi-kun,we saw each other like,10 minutes ago.

   Akashi Seijurou: That is not enough. I want to see you again.

   Kagami Taiga: Kuroko,we have practice until 6:00. Captain wants you to know.

   Akashi Seijurou: Do you mind? We're talking here. And tell your Captain that Tetsuya cannot practice with you.

   Kagami Taiga: Why?!

   Akashi Seijurou: We are going on a date.

   Kagami Taiga: Eh? But we need him!

   Akashi Seijurou: *snip* Pardon?

   Kagami Taiga: Ohh... Kuroko is all yours! We could practice without him.

   Kuroko Tetsuya: But,Akashi-kun. I want to practice with them.

   Akashi Seijurou: You choose them over me?

   Kuroko Tetsuya: No... of course not,Akashi-kun. But I need to practice with them.

   Akashi Seijurou: What you need is me,Tetsuya. And I need you.


   Aomine Daiki: BOOM!

   Kuroko Tetsuya: A-Akashi-kun..Not here.

   Akashi Seijurou: Why not?

   Kuroko Tetsuya: It's embarrassing...

   Akashi Seijurou: Fine,I'll stop when you agree that we will go on a date tomorrow.

   Kuroko Tetsuya: Fine...I agree.

   Akashi Seijurou: Good.

   Akashi Seijurou: Love you,Tetsuya~

   Kuroko Tetsuya: you too,Akashi-kun.

   Kise Ryouta: Ants! ATTACK! TOO MUCH SWEETNESS! *A*


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