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*ahem* WARNING: This will be really looooong. If you do not want to waste your time on this note, you may leave. *ahem*

HEYY GUYS! WADDUP?? Haha okay so... I'M SORRY! ( TДT)


I really am sorry! I did not open my wattpad account for almost a year now and I got valid reasons!
*Schoolworks! Like, we were in Grade 10 last year! And as some of you know, we are the pioneer batch for the K-12 curriculum here in the Philippines. Junior high was full of stress and now I'm currently in Senior highschool and the amount of schoolwork just doubled!
*I forgot my password... yes, pathetic, I know. And I reacted just last night. I got a new password and finally had the chance to start this baby up!
*Lastly, I was too lazy. We all have that time in our life.

I hope you understand. I'm glad to see that KnFB is still alive! Some of you are new readers, I guess, and I still receive comments and likes. It makes me happy to know that my works are still appreciated even though I was gone. Thank you for that (*^▽^)/I lost my motivation for KnB, sadly, but I want to try to add more chapters. Or maybe I'll be only adding one more, for a last chapter. I'm really sorry, I just can't continue it anymore. I hope you understand.

Meanwhile, I would love to make more stories. Just short stories this time. While I was away, I kept on thinking of new ideas for a new story and I would like to share these ideas with you guys. I've been watching other anime series lately and fanfics would be awesome to write right now.

I hope you understand all these. We all, or maybe only some of us, have that one moment in wattpad(not only in wattpad) where we just hit the writer's block so hard that you just forget about continuing your work. 。(′︿‵。)

So anyway, I told you that you'll just end up wasting your time and you actually did. But thank you so much for reading this! Thank you for all your support, guys! Upon doing this note, I just realized how I misSED WRITING HERE. Or typing, if that's what you want to call it xD Also, I MISSED YOU GUYS! I missed reading all your lovely messages and that's why I'M BACK~ TEEHEE here, have some a cake! (o^^)o 🍰

And Oooohh I want to add a signature whenever I end a note. Let this be my signature:

Okay so be yourself and stay awesome! (God I sounded like pewds. Lemme change it)

Stay positive and cool! (I'm writing this at 2 pm that's why I'd think of a way cooler signature than this HAHAHA)


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