Exams Score

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[Heya! ^_^ @WinterRaineeDay gave the idea. Thank you >o< haha.. So here ya go! ^^. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy! ^w^(I'll fix these dedications once I open my account on the laptop.)]
Kuroko Tetsuya

I passed the exam.
5 minutes ago

          Kagami Taiga: I passed too!

          Kuroko Tetsuya: That was because I lent you the 'lucky pencil' Midorima-kun gave me.

          Midorima Shintaro: You lend him wha--? I gave it to you. Now look at him! He passed because he used the pencil!

          Kagami Taiga: It's not like it was the pencil's fault! Of course I used my brain!

          Aomine Daiki: It's rare for you to use your brain,Bakagami.

          Kagami Taiga: Why you--! Let me guess... You failed your exam,didn't you?

          Aomine Daiki: Failed? huh! That word is not even present in my vocabulary!

          Momoi Satsuki: But Dai-chan... You failed, remember? You only need one more point to pass... I feel bad for you.

          Kagami Taiga: WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! See? Not present in my vocabulary your ass! Well now it is,stupid! YOU FAILED!

          Kuroko Tetsuya: Kagami-kun,You passed because of that one bonus question. Your score's higher than Aomine-kun by one point. You don't have anything to flaunt around.

          Aomine Daiki: WHO IS THE STUPID ONE NOW?!

          Kise Ryouta: well, our exam was piece of cake! I passed. Lucky~

          Kuroko Tetsuya: Congratulations Kise-kun. Well, if all of us passed, Aomine-kun,why did you fail?

          Kagami Taiga: cuz he's an idiot dumbass.

          Momoi Satsuki: He obviously didn't study of course. -3-

          Aomine Daiki: I STUDIED!

          Momoi Satsuki: You read your magazines again.

          Kuroko Tetsuya: Seriously,Aomine-kun, what are you studying? Girl's body? That did not appear in our test.

          Momoi Satsuki: He just likes to read his gross magazines.

          Aomine Daiki: It's not gross! It's sexy.

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