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Kise Ryouta is feeling happy

Hey guys! I finally finished creating my own facebook! Would any of you like to welcome me?
10 minutes ago

   Momoi Satsuki: Welcome,Ki-chan!


   Aomine Daiki: WTF? You made        one?

   Kise Ryouta: ? what was that? 0.o

   Akashi Seijuurou: Daiki?

   Aomine Daiki: Welcome To Facebook! I can't believe you made one!


   Kuroko Tetsuya: That was very nice,Aomine-kun. You actually welcomed him. Anyway,I am very glad you made your own account,Kise-kun. Welcome!


   Kise Ryouta: Thank you so much,Kurokocchi, and...Aominecchi. You were actually kinda kind to me today,Aominecchi.

   Aomine Daiki: tch...

[hey guys! I'm back! I was searching for some photos about KnB when suddenly I saw tons of FB fakewalls on google all about KnB. I was laughing so hard! XD So,I got this idea from there. XD I hope you'll like it. Anyway, if you have any ideas,you can PM me. I would be happy if you would help me with some ideas here. XD

Anyway,I'm out! so... buh-bye minna! ^_^]

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