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[Hi! This was requested by @scorpionist. So here you go! Enjoy!]

Kagami Taiga

When will I ever become a ninja? That was my very first dream back when I was a child.
10 minutes ago

           Naruto Uzumaki: ha! You have to go through me first!

           Kagami Taiga: Why so?!

           Naruto Uzumaki: Greatest ninja of all time? Not to mention, the most famous ninja in the whole world.

           Kagami Taiga: You mean, your world. You aren't famous here. So shoo!

           Naruto Uzumaki: Impossible! Everybody knows the great Naruto Uzumaki!

           Kagami Taiga: Too bad you ain't that famous here.

           Kakashi Hatake: Naruto,What are you doing here?

           Naruto Uzumaki: Oh,Kakashi-sensei! I was telling him that I am the world's most famous ninja.

           Kakashi Hatake: Which is definitely not true.

           Naruto Uzumaki: Hey!!

           Kuroko Tetsuya: I can be a ninja.

           Naruto Uzumaki: How?

           Kise Ryouta: uhh... Misdirection Jutsu?

           Sai: Can be,I guess... But he uses that in playing basketball.

           Kuroko Tetsuya: At least It's a new move. Want me to teach you guys how so you could use it?

           Sai:That would be nice since it doesn't uses chakra.

           Naruto Uzumaki: Watch how I use mine. This is a simple technique but can make one suffer because of blood lose.

           Aomine Daiki: you've got to be kidding me.

           Naruto Uzumaki: Sexy Jutsu Technique!

           Kuroko Tetsuya: Where?!

           Naruto Uzumaki: i sent him a pic.

           Naruto Uzumaki: Wait for it...

           Kise Ryouta: Guys! AOMINECCHI IS COVERED IN BLOOD! And it looks like it came out of his nose! Is he gonna die?!

           Kagami Taiga: I hope so.

           Naruto Uzumaki: I told you so.

           Kuroko Tetsuya: What just happened?

[Hi! ^_^ I am also working on the other requests but just a reminder that If you like to request, please send them by PM cuz I'm having a hard time looking for the requests sometimes in the comment section. ^^ Anyway, thanks for all the reads and votes. >.< You are all making me happy! lol! Thank you very much ^w^]

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