That Hack

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[Yo people! This is for @Goldenunderwear . Enjoy guys! :D](Warning:Langguage)
Kuroko Tetsuya

Hey fckers! What's up? Having a hard time dealing with your shts? Heh, Why don't you go buy some milkshakes for me? My ass needs it. Thanks asshles! You aren't the best!
10 minutes ago

         Kise Ryouta: ... Kurokocchi? What have you eaten?

         Kuroko Tetsuya: Another piece of sht,I guess.

         Aomine Daiki: Oi,Tetsu! What has gotten into you?!

         Kuroko Tetsuya: your dck.

         Kagami Taiga: I know you are not Kuroko. Who are you? SPEAK UP!

         Kuroko Tetsuya: your ass.

         Midorima Shintaro: I think he's drunk.

         Kuroko Tetsuya: I ain't drunk,you lil' sht.

         Midorima Shintaro: You are getting crazy,Kuroko!!

         Kuroko Tetsuya: No.. YOU are. You are an asshle.

         Midorima Shintaro: YOU SHALL DIE!

         Akashi Seijurou: Tetsuya,delete this status...NOW.

         Kuroko Tetsuya: How about no,shorty?

         Akashi Seijurou: I see that you're talking back to me. *snip snip*

         Kuroko Tetsuya: Ohhh... I'm getting scared~. Someone,help me.

         Akashi Seijurou: Tetsuya...I will pretend this never happened.So, delete this.

         Kuroko Tetsuya: I said no,didn't I?

         Shōgo Haizaki: I knew someone hacked my account.

         Kise Ryouta: O.O Is that you,Kurokocchi?

         Shōgo Haizaki: Yes.

         Kagami Taiga: I knew that wasn't you.

         Shōgo Haizaki: Do you really think those words appear in my innocent vocabulary,Kagami-kun?

         Aomine Daiki: So... the hacker was... HAIZAKI?!

         Kuroko Tetsuya: DING! You finally got it,fckers. Now...I leave.. Give me back my account!

         Shōgo Haizaki: Give me back MY account. But first,delete this status.

         Akashi Seijurou: SNIP! I'll visit you tonight... for hacking my dear Tetsuya's account. You shall be punished. Expect me to be there by 6:00. Make sure you'll be the one opening the gate for me.

         Kuroko Tetsuya: NO

         Shōgo Haizaki: MY account. NOW.

         Kuroko Tetsuya: I shall return,people!

         Shōgo Haizaki: NO...NO

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