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[Hey! Okay this is a request from @BlackRabbit1101 and @shikamaru_nara... and it's pretty long. XD I hope you like it.Uhh.. This is for today and I think would be the last. I shall post again tomorrow,okay? Getting busy here,you see... anyway... Enjoy guys!!!]
Gintoki Sakata

Heh, so this is what this story is about,huh? It's all about facebook posts and status!
10 minutes ago

          Shinpachi Shimura: Gin-san! You don't have to be mean!

          Gintoki Sakata: I am not being mean.

          Kagami Taiga: Your point?

          Kagura: Ne,ne,Gin-chan,isn't this quite boring?

          Kuroko Tetsuya: I am sorry but, this is not boring. If you wanna know more about this,ask the author.

          Gintoki Sakata: Oi Author! WHAT IS THIS AND WHY ARE WE HERE?

          Shinpachi Shimura: Gin! You told us to create our own facebook account because you want to check this out.

          Gintoki Sakata: That wasn't my idea! It was the author's! She made accounts for us to be here!

          Kagura: And we have nothing to do here.

          Gintoki Sakata: OI AUTHOR! WHAT ARE WE DOING HERE?! ANSWER ME!!!!!!!!

           Shinpachi Shimura: She isn't answering...

           Kise Ryouta: Stop being mean to Authorcchi!

           Gintoki Sakata: What are we suppose to do here?!

           Kuroko Tetsuya: Stay.


           Gintoki Sakata: Are you sure your author is still breathing?

           Aomine Daiki: OF COURSE SHE IS! If she's not,then we aren't suppose to be here!

           Gintoki Sakata: Then why isn't she answering us?

           Midorima Shintaro: She's busy.

           Shinpachi Shimura: If she's busy then why is she still writing this?

           Momoi Satsuki: People! SHE DOESN'T WANT TO BREAK THE 4TH WALL!

           Kagami Taiga: BUT THAT GUY ALREADY BROKE IT!

           Gintoki Sakata: No.

           Bossun: Ha~! At last! Switch good job creating these for us!

           Kuroko Tetsuya: Don't tell me you're from another anime...

           Switch: We are.

           Aomine Daiki: WHAT IS HAPPENING?!

           Himeko: Ohh... we came because your author said she needs help for a request.

           Kagami Taiga: Wut?

           Gintoki Sakata: Bossun! It's you!!

           Kagura: It's them!!

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