His Butler and his Shin-chan

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[Yo! Hai,requests from @himeimone37 and @TigerShirt hope you like it guys! XDEnjoy!]
Takao Kazunari

Shin-chan was arguing with a guy a while ago. The cool thing is,they have the same voice. It was funny actually. XD
5 minutes ago

         Midorima Shintaro: QUIET,TAKAO! I'm still angry.

         Kuroko Tetsuya: What happened,Midorima-kun?

         Takao Kazunari: We were at a shop to look for his lucky item when a guy dressed in formal grab Shin-chan's lucky item.

          Midorima Shintaro: That guy... He was told us it was for his master. Please!

          Sebastian Michaelis: But it's true.

          Midorima Shintaro: That was my lucky item!

          Sebastian Michaelis: That was for my master.

          Kise Ryouta: Uhmm.. please excuse our friend here,sir. He's..just...uhh... addicted to horoscopes and stuff.

          Midorima Shintaro: Kise!

          Ciel Phantomhive: Sebastian. I didn't know you have this so-called 'facebook'.

          Sebastian Michaelis: Yes.. And I see you have made your own,young master.

          Kagami Taiga: Young.. master?

          Ciel Phantomhive: My friend teached me.

          Sebastian Michaelis: So he became your friend?

          Ciel Phantomhive: He was the reason why we went here.

          Akashi Seijurou: You are welcome.

          Kise Ryouta: Akashicchi?!

          Akashi Seijurou: He's a friend of mine.

          Midorima Shintaro: We didn't know about that.

          Akashi Seijurou: I didn't know our butler have the same voice.

          Ciel Phantomhive: He.. is your butler?

          Midorima Shintaro: I'm your butler?!


          Akashi Seijurou: Yes. *smiles* He is my butler. I know we have the same age but my father said it would be much easier for him to take care of me. We went to the same middle school. But we got seperated when we're in high school.

          Midorima Shintaro: WHAT?!

          Kise Ryouta: I DIDN'T KNOW THAT!

          Aomine Daiki: YOU WERE?!

          Ciel Phantomhive: I see. It's great that our butler has the same voice. Although,it looks like your butler has seen a ghost.

          Akashi Seijurou:He is always like that. Maybe he brought his mirror with him.


          Sebastian Michaelis: I see now. Alright,young master,do you want me to bring you tea?

           Ciel Phantomhive: Yes please,Sebastian.

           Akashi Seijurou: Shintaro,please bring me my book. And bring me some tea.

           Midorima Shintaro: Wha-?

           Akashi Seijurou: *smiles*

           Midorima Shintaro: Y-Yes... M-master. Be right back.

           Takao Kazunari: Hahaha! This is funny! This deserves a screenshot!

           Aomine Daiki: HUAAAAA!!! I CAN'T STOP-- LAUGHING!!

           Kagami Taiga: LOL!

           Kuroko Tetsuya: I can picture Akashi-kun seating on a red chair with Midorima-kun standing beside his master.

           Kise Ryouta: XD and Midorimacchi like, "Yes,master?" "What do you want me to do,master?" "Young master." "Master" xD

            Aomine Daiki: Oi,Midorima! Buy me some soda!

            Kagami Taiga: Buy me some burgers!

            Kuroko Tetsuya: I want a vanilla shake.

            Midorima Shintaro: GO GET IT YOURSELVES!

            Akashi Seijurou: Shintaro. Do what they ask you to do,especially Tetsuya's request. *smiles*

            Midorima Shintaro: Y-Y-Yes... ma-master...

           Takao Kazunari: SCREEN CAPTURE! XD

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