Pun's Fan

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Izuki Shun

Ootsukare no kare ni wa karee raisu (Nothing beats curry rice for the guy who's beat.)

Tenisu puree chuu no te ni supuree (Spray your hands while playing tennis)

Woah..This is great! I can use this. :D
10 minutes ago

          Hyuuga Junpei: Stop posting your puns! Get out!

          Riko Aida: *sigh* He's planning on taking his puns worldwide.

          Kiyoshi Teppei: Haha! That was cool!

          Kuroko Tetsuya: Very nice,Izuki-kun.

          Izuki Shun: Thank you guys. I was planning on using them.

          Hyuuga Junpei: Blurting out your puns in front of us is enough. Do not post it on fb.

          Izuki Shun: But they liked it.

          Hyuuga Junpei: You've been making puns all day!

          Akashi Seijurou: HUSH! Do not stop this man from creating puns. Now please,if you may add more puns from your status,please add,Izuki-kun.

          Kagami Taiga: HE'S A FAN?!

          Akashi Seijurou: Don't you know what 'hush' means?

          Kagami Taiga: S-sorry...

[A/N:I got the pun on Izuki's character song, 'KI•TA•KO•RE' XD I love listening to his song so much because it's full of puns. Haha]

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