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Kagami Taiga

How many times do I have to tell you this,Kuroko... DO NOT LET THAT DOG COME NEAR ME!
2 minutes ago

      Kuroko Tetsuya: I was not with you. And I was not with Nigou,too. How would I know if Nigou got near you if I am out of clue where to find the two of you?


      Aomine Daiki: Nice one Tetsu.

      Riko Aida: Haha Nice rhyming,Kuroko!

      Kise Ryouta: COOOOL KUROKOCCHI! hahaha! XD

      Momoi Satsuki: That was great,Tetsu-kun!

      Midorima Shintaro: I've got to admit. That was nice,Kuroko.

      Akashi Seijurou: I did not know you can rhyme like that,Tetsuya. Very good.

      Hyuuga Junpei: Woah Kuroko...Just...Woah...

      Kuroko Tetsuya: Thank you everyone. It's not a big deal,really. It just came out of my mind.

     Kagami Taiga: THIS IS MY STATUS SO THEREFORE, STOP IGNORING ME! If you are going to compliment his rhyming skills, go talk to him on his wall!

     Aomine Daiki: You are just jealous because you can't rhyme like Tetsu.

     Kagami Taiga: Am not!

     Akashi Seijurou: Do not join in when we are still busy complimenting Tetsuya's rhyming skills.

     Kagami Taiga: This is my status!

     Akashi Seijurou: *glares* Did someone just talk back to me without respect?

     Kagami Taiga: Nice rhymin' Kuroko... Very nice! That was great. That was the best rhyme I have ever read! Coooool...

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