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Aomine Daiki

I got this great dream last night.
5 minutes ago

         Kuroko Tesuya: What was your dream,Aomine-kun?

         Aomine Daiki: I was surrounded by beautiful girls. Not to mention,they all have big busts,sexy. Ohh That was the best dream!

         Kagami Taiga: I dreamt that I defeated you.

         Aomine Daiki: Keep dreaming.

         Takao Kazunari: There was this one time Shin-chan told me about his dream. It was about him being OhaAsa's lover or something...


         Takao Kazunari: Ohh...You didn't? Oh maybe I was the one who had that dream.

         Midorima Shintaro: Why would you even dream something like that?!

         Kise Ryouta: Oh my dream last night was fantastic! I was a renowned model and singer in the whole world! Everybody loves me! Autograph here,autograph there. Pose here,pose there. Wink here,wink there. Oh the famousness!

          Kasamatsu Yukio: Highlight the word DREAM.

          Kuroko Tetsuya: Mine was good,too. I was surrounded by many cute and adorable children and we would always play. Day to night.

          Kagami Taiga: That was cute.

          Aomine Daiki: Ohhh~ Cute, Tetsu. I can imagine you being surrounded by ou- I mean children.

         Murasakibara Atsushi: My dream was nice. I was floating in a place called candy heaven... There were too many sweets. Sweets everywhere~

         Himuro Tatsuya: As expected.

         Akashi Seijurou: I think mine was the best.

         Kuroko Tetsuya: Why so,Akashi-kun?

         Akashi Seijurou: What I remember was that,it has so much color red. I was cutting something,or should I say,someone. His blood was all over the room. I opened his abdomen,rip out his intestines as I smirk in satisfaction. I grab my scisssors and poked the man's eye. I held the eyeball in my hands and throwed it in the trash bin. I went to grab the heart,which was still pumping. And I hit it with my scissors. End of my gorgeous dream.

           Kuroko Tetsuya: ...

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