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[Yes! Another chapter! xD Anyway, since I'm back... Here's a chapter requested by Ajaljayn4. Here you go! xD Enjoy~]
Kise Ryouta is feeling handsome

They say I'm the hottest character. Of course you all agree. *winks*
10 minutes ago

  Aomine Daiki: I OBJECT! You ain't the hottest character! It's ME! *shows abs*

  Kagami Taiga: Did anyone say hot? I'm here to show what true hotness is. *throws shirt*

  Kise Ryouta: Oh come on, guys. no need to get jelly~ *smiles seductively* I'm the personification of the word HOT.

  Midorima Shintaro: It's not good to push me inside this conversation. I've just finished taking a bath. You asked for it. *takes off glasses and smiles seductively*

  Murasakibara Atsushi: *combs hair with fingers while eating chocolate* How about sweet and hot?

  Akashi Seijurou: I'm sorry, Ryouta, but I highly object. They all say the emperor is the hottest and  the sexiest, ne? *holds out hand as he winks seductively.*

  Kuroko Tetsuya: I'll try to be sexy. *licks lips and unbuttons shirt seductively* *winks*

  Kagami Taiga: ...

  Kise Ryouta: ...

  Aomine Daiki: ... I just peed in my pants...

  Midorima Shintaro: I was defeated.

  Murasakibara Atsushi: ...

  Akashi Seijurou: ...sht...

  Momoi Satsuki: *faints*

  Kuroko Tetsuya: uhhh... thank you?

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