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Akashi Seijurou

You can never spell handsome without...

10 minutes ago

  Murasakibara Atsushi: Oooohhhhh....

  Kise Ryouta: That was a good one,Akashicchi! xD

  Momoi Satsuki: True!

  Aomine Daiki: You mean...Me!...as in...ME...you know..Me,Aomine Daiki...

  Kagami Taiga: AHOmine! You can't spell ugly without "U"!


  Midorima Shintaro: Ha!

  Kuroko Tetsuya: BOOM!

  Kise Ryouta: HAHAHA! Nice one,Kagamicchi! IN YO' FACE,AOMINECCHI! HAHA!

  Murasakibara Atsushi: That must've hurt,Mine-chin.

  Akashi Seijurou: Complementing another comment in my status,are we? You ignored my post,mortals. You.shall.pay. *snip snip*

  Kuroko Tetsuya: How much? Let's see,just, make it cheap,okay? I don't think I have that much money inmy wallet...

  Kagami Taiga: *facepalm*

  Aomine Daiki: *facepalm*

  Kise Ryouta: *facepalm*

  Murasakibara Atsushi: ...

  Midorima Shintaro: uhhh...

  Momoi Satsuki: ...

  Kuroko Tetsuya: ohhh... the bad kind of pay... Happens to all of us. Welp,must hide. Bye.

  Akashi Seijurou: Who the hell made Tetsuya stupid?

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