Ice Bucket Challenge

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Kagami Taiga

Can somebody tell me what this 'Ice Bucket Challenge' thing is about?
4 minutes ago

  Kuroko Tetsuya: It's an activity where you dump a bucket full of ice-cold water (ice)  on yourself, you can let someone dump it for you. Then after doing it, you nominate 3 persons you want to see doing the same thing. It's actually an activity to encourage other people to donate for the research cure about this illness called ALS. So, you must donate to their website right after you did the Ice Bucket Challenge.


  Kise Ryouta: Someone's been doing his research...

  Kuroko Tetsuya: Not really. It is because I already did that.

  Kagami Taiga: YOU DID?!

  Kise Ryouta: Who nominated you?! And when did you perform it? WHERE'S THE VIDEO?!

  Kuroko Tetsuya: I deleted the video. el-o-el. It was a while ago. Akashi-kun nominated me....

  Midorima Shintaro: Akashi nominated me, too...


  Akashi Seijurou: Because I wanted to. Problem?

  Kise Ryouta: Wait... doesn't that mean Akashicchi did the challenge,too?

  Momoi Satsuki: ... O.O

  Aomine Daiki: O.O

  Akashi Seijurou: ... and so?

  Murasakibara Atsushi: I nominated Aka-chin.

  Kagami Taiga: Who did you nominate, Kuroko?

  Kuroko Tetsuya: ...

  Kuroko Tetsuya: You, coach and captain....

  Kagami Taiga: WHY DID YOU--?!

  Riko Aida: WHAT?!

  Hyuuga Junpei: WHAT THE HELL?!?!?! KUROKOOOOO!!

  Kiyoshi Teppei: This would be great!

  Izuki Shun: I'll bring the camera tomorrow.

  Koganei Shinji: Mitobe, bring the ice. I'll be the one bringing the buckets.

  Kuroko Tetsuya: I'll charge my phone tonight.

  Himuro Tatsuya: Just make sure guys that you need to donate. Do not forget the donation after the nomination. eeeyyyyyyyyyyyyy...

  Izuki Shun: BROTHAHHH!

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