Kuroko's Crush

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[Yo! ^^ Here's a request from @OtakuMasterAkashi. ^w^ Here you go xD Enjoy! (I'll fix these dedications once I get my hands on our laptop.)]
Kuroko Tetsuya

I think I like her...
5 minutes ago

       Kagami Taiga: THE HELL KUROKO!

       Kuroko Tetsuya: Everytime I see her, my heart skips a beat. I can't stop staring at her beautiful face. Her eyes shine like diamonds. This is my first time,to have a crush on someone. But it hurts that you can't tell it infront of her. I don't even know if she likes me. I'm a coward...

       Aomine Daiki: W-Who is she...?

       Kagami Taiga: Kuroko, why didn't you tell this to me? I can help you out.

       Aomine Daiki: NO! I'll be the one who will help him. I promise,Tetsu, your lucky girl will finally be yours in just a week. Trust me.

       Kagami Taiga: KUROKO! She'll be your girlfriend TOMORROW. Trust ME.

       Aomine Daiki: Admit it, you know nothing about love.

       Kagami Taiga: so do you.

       Kise Ryouta: KUROKOCCHI! TTATT who is the lucky girl? Wait before Momoicchi finds this out,Kurokocchi.

       Momoi Satsuki: TETSU-KUN! Waaaaaaaaah~~~~ TTATT I can't believe you actually liked someone! Why?! Why did you do this,Tetsu-kun?!

       Midorima Shintaro: Well, Kuroko has the freedom to choose whoever he likes. We can't stop him.

       Akashi Seijurou: I got my scissors ready,Tetsuya. Show me the girl.

       Kuroko Tetsuya: The thing is, I don't really know her name. You know why?

       Momoi Satsuki: What? You don't know her name? That must've hurt.

       Kise Ryouta: W-why Kurokocchi?

       Kuroko Tetsuya: because... SHE 'S NOT REAL. It was just a lie. I was bored so I started it. I didn't know you'll believe that. Guess I should say sorry then.


       Kise Ryouta:...

       Kagami Taiga:....

       Aomine Daiki:...

       Momoi Satsuki: I WAS DYING!

       Akashi Seijurou: You are lucky I can't hurt someone like you,Tetsuya. You should NEVER do this again even when you are bored.

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