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[Hi! This is for all the AominexMomoi fans out there. xD Hope you like it guys!]
Momoi Satsuki is feeling happy

Thank you for making me happy today again,Dai-chan... and for...saving me from those guys. (∩ω∩〃)
5 mintues ago

   Aomine Daiki: Geez...You don't have to thank me everyday. And I told you, don't wear very short skirts when we go to public places. That's why those guys are into you.

   Momoi Satsuki: I just want to appear beautiful infront of you... >\\\\\>

   Aomine Daiki: Satsuki,since when did you became ugly?

   Momoi Satsuki:Ehhh.... >\\\\<

   Aomine Daiki: You don't have to wear those clothes just to impress me. You're fine the way you are. I like you like that way. Understand?

  Kuroko Tetsuya: And he's also telling you that he gets mad when guys look at your legs.

   Aomine Daiki: Tetsu! w-well...sometimes I do.

   Momoi Satsuki: Awww...Dai-chan... You're so sweet! ♥♥

   Kagami Taiga: That was very uncharacteristic of you Aomine to say those words.

   Aomine Daiki: Heh,you're just jealous cuz I have someone to tell those sweet words with. Unlike you who always talks with pillows every night.

   Kagami Taiga: Hey!

   Momoi Satsuki: Dai-chan,stop quarreling with him.

   Aomine Daiki: Am not.

   Momoi Satsuki: ^w^ love you Dai-chan! ♥

   Aomine Daiki: Yeah... yeah... me too. Don't tell things like that virtually.

   Momoi Satsuki: Ehh? But why?

   Aomine Daiki: I like it more when you say it personally. Because I can't see your face.

   Momoi Satsuki:Oh okay. Open your house's door and I'll tell ya.


   Momoi Satsuki: Haha Just kidding. Sweet dreams. I'm waving at your window right now.

   Aomine Daiki: STOP CREEPING ME OUT!!!!!

   Momoi Satsuki: Haha xD I was just kidding..duh...I'm lying on my bed. :p scaredy-cat.

   Kuroko Tetsuya: Aomine-kun. I'm looking at you by the window.


   Aomine Daiki: Wut?!STOP SCARYING ME PEOPLE!

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