Do you wanna build a snowman? :Midorima

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Midorima Shintaro

Do you wanna build a snowman? (⊃^ω')⊃
4 minutes ago

    Miyaji Kiyoshi: Ehh?? This so uncharacteristic of you.

    Otsubo Taisuke: Midorima,what are you trying to do?

    Midorima Shintaro: What is this? I DID NOT POST THIS! And I will NEVER post ridiculous things like this! Why would I even build a snowman in the middle of summer? TAKAO!

     Takao Kazunari: What? I didn't do it! Don't go blaming others when you don't have any proof,Shin-chan!

     Midorima Shintaro: This is my proof! That hideous status!

     Kimura Shinsuke: This has to be saved! Screen capture!


     Miyaji Kiyoshi: He wants us to notice him. awwww... We notice you now,Midorima.


     Midorima Shintaro: I WILL DELETE THIS AT ONCE. Takao,If you try to post something this ridiculous using my account again, I'll kill you.

     Midorima Shintaro: I'm sorry,Shin-chan... T^T

    Midorima Shintaro: Stop using my account!

    Kimura Shinsuke: Woah... you look like you're talking to yourself,Midorima. Tell us if you need a doctor.

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