Hello Shin-chan

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[Hi! xD This is for @akaringocchi. :3 Hope you'll like it! xD Enjoy!!! :D]
Takao Kazunari
Minna saiko arigatou! Sh-Sh-Shin-chan kawaii!♪
10 minutes ago

  Midorima Shintaro: WHAT?!

  Takao Kazunari: Come come,Shin-chan,Shin-chan, You're so pretty,pretty.♪

  Miyaji Kiyoshi: WHAT THE?!

  Otsubo Taisuke: You made me spill my coffee!

  Midorima Shintaro: WHAT.IS.THIS?TAKAO!!!! That's it! Don't come near me today!

  Takao Kazunari: Don't go,Shin-chan,Shin-chan, Stay with me♪

  Kimura Shinsuke: Oi,Midorima! Take care of you boyfriend.

  Midorima Shintaro: NO!

  Miyaji Kiyoshi: Are you sure his not on drugs?

  Midorima Shintaro: I don't even think that idiot know what drugs are.

  Takao Kazunari: Come come,Shin-chan,Shin-chan,You're so silly silly.♪

  Midorima Shintaro: Stop it Takao if you don't want me to leave you!..DON'T.DARE.SING.IT.AGAIN.Reply normally!

  Takao Kazunari: Hello Shin-chan!

  Midorima Shintaro: What?

  Takao Kazunari: Ohh.. I forgot to add the '♪' on the last one.

  Midorima Shintaro: STOP IT I SAY TAKAO!!!

  Takao Kazunari: Okay...

  Takao Kazunari: Just one more? please? Last one?

  Midorima Shintaro: No!

  Takao Kazunari: I won't do it again. Just...let me put the last one... :3

  Midorima Shintaro: ...fine..that's the last one.

  Takao Kazunari: Hello Shin-chan,Hello Shin-chan, K-k-kawaii!♪ :3 ♡♥


[Okay! haha The original song is Hello Kitty by Avril Lavigne. I don't like the song,but I don't hate it either. I'm in between. xD If you haven't heard it yet, you can search it up. :3]

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