Host Club? Ehh?!

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Momoi Satsuki

Hey guys! (*^﹏^*) Do you still remember the time when we did a host club back in Teiko? Wanna do it again?
10 minutes ago

  Midorima Shintaro: No.

  Aomine Daiki: Why not? I'm ready!

  Kuroko Tetsuya: Pervert. Anyway, Idk. I mean, It's okay. But I don't know....

  Kise Ryouta: Girls love meeehh~ ╯ω╰

  Akashi Seijurou: Girls love me more, Ryouta.

  Murasakibara Atsushi: They gave me so many sweets and food. I wanna do it again.

  Kyouya Ootori: Are you planning on doing a Host Club?

  Momoi Satsuki: Uhh.. actually... We've already done this before.. If you don't mind, Who're you?

  Tamaki Suoh: Ohh~ Hi there, cutie. Your hair color reminds me of cherry blossoms. I think you're the most beautiful cherry blossom I've ever seen~

  Aomine Daiki: What in the name of BAKAgami are you doing here?!

  Haruhi Fujioka: I think he's lost.

  Kuroko Tetsuya: You look like one, too.

  Hikaru Hitachiin: We are not lost!

  Kaoru Hitachiin: Yeah! We aren't lost!

  Kise Ryouta: Twins?! COOL!

  Momoi Satsuki: Wh-where are you from?!

  Tamaki Suoh: Ohh princess, our friend Kyouya here told us that you would start a host club.

  Midorima Shintaro: And?

  Haruhi Fujioka: Ohh we are from the Ouran High's Host Club. Nice meeting you.

  Akashi Seijurou: Fancy meeting you here.

  Momoi Satsuki: So all of you are from a host club?!

  Mitsukuni Haninozuka: Wait! I'm still here!

  Tamaki Suoh: Hani-senpai!

  Aomine Daiki: Senpai?!

  Kise Ryouta: Senpai?!

  Kuroko Tesuya: Hi there, Hani-senpai.

  Mitsukuni Haninozoka: Oh oh! and let us invite Mori, too!

  Takashi Morinozuka: Hm.

  Momoi Satsuki: Oh WOW! You're so cute, Hani-senpai! xD

  Aomine Daiki: Senpai?!

  Kuroko Tetsuya: You should try to get over with it, Aomine-kun.

  Kaoru Hitachiin: Yes, black guy, he's Hani-senpai.

  Aomine Daiki: Senpai?! But he's small! AND I'M NOT BLACK!

  Hikaru Hitachiin: Don't shout at my brother, you! Kaoru... are you okay?

  Kaoru Hitachiin: Y-Yes, Hikaru, I'm fine.

  Hikaru Hitachiin: Don't worry, brother is already here.

  Kaoru Hitachiin: Yes. I know you will protect me.

  Tamaki Suoh: Did you take a screen shot, Kyouya?

  Kyouya Ootori: Yep. And it will be saved so that we could sell the picture.

  Kise Ryouta: You are actually going to sell that?

  Mitsukuni Haninozuka: Yeah. We earn money.

  Haruhi Fujioka: I'm sorry for the disturbance we brought you.

  Momoi Satsuki: No. It's okay. You're a cute guy. :3

  Kuroko Tetsuya: He's a girl. She is a girl, Momoi-san.

  Aomine Daiki: Huwat?!

  Kise Ryouta: EHHHHHH?!╯▂╰

  Midorima Shintaro: I knew it.

  Tamaki Suoh: Gotcha! haha!

  Momoi Satsuki: Omg I'm sorry!

  Haruhi Fujioka: Uhhh.. no.. It's alright.

  Kuroko Tetsuya: And I'm a girl, too. I cannot believe you haven't realised or even notice it.

  Akashi Seijurou: You can't fool me, Tetsuya. You know why.

  Kuroko Tetsuya: ... you ruined my perfect prank.

Hey guys. So, I know this chappy kinda suck. I was really typing this so fast and Idk what to type in here anymore. I am only finishing those requests who want me to do a KnBxOHSHC crossover. so here ya go. I'll write something funnier when I'm in the mood. :3

I updated '♠The Missing King♤' earlier. I hope you'd read it. ●△●

So, see next chapter guys. Bye bee! xD

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