Gotta Shoot 'em All (and also some A/N) EDITED A PART

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Kagami Taiga
I wanna be the very best
Like no one ever was! 👊
2 minutes ago

     Riko Aida: To CATCH THEM is my real test. To TRAIN THEM is my cause~

     Hyuuga Junpei: Basketball!

     Kuroko Tetsuya: I will travel throughout Japan. Searching far and wide~

     Kise Ryota: Each tournaments, we'll surely win by our power that's inside └(^o^)┘

     Takao Kazunari: Basketball! Gotta shoot 'em all!

     Aomine Daiki: It's me, just me! I know it's my destiny~

     Momoi Satsuki: Basketball!

     Midorima Shintaro: Oh you're my teammate, in the court we must defend.

     Murasakibara Atsushi: Basketball! Gotta eat dem snacks... *munch*

     Izuki Shun: All is trueee~ This is our point of view.

     Akashi Seijurou: Don't teach me and I'll teach you

     Kuroko Tetsuya: Basketball~

     Kagami Taiga: Gotta shoot 'em all

     Aomine Daiki: Gotta shoot dem balls!

     Ash Ketchum: Pokemon!

     Kuroko Tetsuya: uuhhh...

     Kagami Taiga: dafq dude we're changing the lyrics

     Aomine Daiki: Get out!

     Ash Ketchum: Oh I'm sorry. I swear a saw a pokemon coming from here.

     Kise Ryota: On facebook????

     Midorima Shintaro: That was probably just an advertisement.

     Aomine Daiki: Yeah like those clickbaits or something

     Kagami Taiga: Oh damn! I'm a fan! 

     Kuroko Tetsuya: Yes and he needs to leave right away, Kagami-kun. 

     Kagami Taiga: I know but I want him to sign my balls!

     Ash Ketchum: OH GOD

     Aomine Daiki: WTF??

     Kise Ryouta: Kagami-cchi! What are you saying?!

     Akashi Seijurou: Perfect. Scare him away.

     Murasakibara Atsushi: You can't have him sign what you don't have

     Aomine Daiki: DAMN RIGHT LOL

     Kagami Taiga: *pokeballs! SIGN MY POKEBALLS! PLEASE, I HAVE TONS OF EM. They're toys tho.


     Kuroko Tetsuya: Well, he left. Congratulations~ 

[|Hey there guys! How are things going for ya?

YEAH I KNOW I HAVEN'T TOUCHED THIS FOR A YEAR AND I'M SORRY. We all get to this phase, where we just stop at some point and realize how much work we've got to finish for school! I'm going to say a lot, if you don't mind... And by a lot, I mean, a lot. You could skip all of these if you want to tho.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2017 ⏰

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