21. Daisies and Roses

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Third Person POV :

A little boy with naturally brown hair was sitting on a chair near a table as a warm smile was visible on his adorable baby lips. It was the tranquility this place provides that he likes the most, the reason for him to visit the place every possible chance he could get and spend most of his time there.

The rows upon rows of beautifully bound books, dim lighting, the musty scent of aged books that seemed to transport him to a different time and place and most importantly the serene atmosphere and the solemn silence broken only by the sound of pages turning and the occasional whispers of the visitors, those are the things that attracted him the most in the library.

He liked it when everything around him was so calm with no one being there to shout at him with rage and fury. So he always ran to the library whenever he got time so he could escape from all the abuse he received. But recently, he got another reason to visit the place.

A friend. His 'Strawberry hyung'.

He looked up eagerly in the way of the entrance again when he heard the windchime and was disappointed when the person who entered was not someone who he was expecting. But his eyes sparkled and his lips curled up to a boxy smile when he saw a cute strawberry blonde haired little boy who would be an inch or two taller than him came to his view behind a buff man.

The boy too flashed a smile towards him as he ran towards his new friend who had been waiting for him. And soon the two little boys received several eyes on them when they both squealed in excitement which created noise in the otherwise silent library.

They bowed in every possible direction in a polite way to apologize to the readers in the room for disturbing their focused study time which looked so cute to those eyes.

A wave of coos resonated throughout the quiet room. The librarian sighed, shaking his head at the usual scene displaying in front of him for the past few days everytime the two little boys stepped in the library. But he didn't have the heart to reprimand the cute little boys, so he just went with his signature action, gesturing everyone to keep quiet.

The kids giggled at that and walked to their table and took their seats, drowning into their own favorite books. After spending an ample amount of time there and both of them are satisfied with their quality study time, they headed to the nearby park which became the brunette’s second favorite spot after his 'strawberry hyung' came to his life a week ago.

They both sat on a bench when the taller boy took out a box from his bag and handed it to the shorter boy. The younger boy beamed in excitement. "Strawberries?" The little brunette asked and the other boy nodded.

"Thank you, Strawberry hyung."

"Oh… little bun…you forgot again?" The strawberry blonde fake pouted to show he is angry at the other little boy.

"No, I didn't forget." The brunet giggled again.

"Here." The older boy smiled and tapped a finger on his own cheek to which the cute little boy obeyed and pecked on his cheek.

A soft and content smile was formed on Taehyung's smile as he had a peaceful dream for the first time in the past few years and he slowly opened his eyes adjusting to the soft white-gold light of the newly born sun peeking into the room through the window curtains. Still in bed, he looked out the window at the dreamy morning sky before he looked at Jungkook holding him so protectively against him.

He smiled again at the older as his brain replayed the last few scenes of his dreams. He stared at the latter's face for a few good moments and finally when he was satisfied, he slipped out of his grip slowly and carefully so as not to wake Jungkook up.

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