29. Broke

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Third Person POV :

They say even the happiest things come with pain. Jungkook wondered if this is what they meant. He never knew he would experience smiling through the pain someday. But here he is. Smiling through his pain. The pain he had been suffering from

The pain in his jaws because of all the amount of time his lips were stretched in a smile. He couldn't hold back himself no matter how hard he tried to suppress his smile. How can he? When the cutest being he ever laid his eyes on had been jumping around in joy in front of his eyes. Can there be something else that can become the source of such boundless happiness?

Well, Jungkook's answer is a straight 'No'.

The constant smile on his face for the last two hours is proof of that. When they started their ride at home, Jungkook was still anxious about the possible panic session Taehyung might go through. He even considered dropping the plan when they were at the doorstep.

But the way Taehyung relaxed in his embrace boosted his confidence to risk it. He wanted to go for it, keeping trust in himself. His words always worked their way with the younger. So he believed it should work today too.

But still he wanted to make sure that the brunette was okay. So he kept glancing to his side to find any kind of uneasiness or fear. But Taehyung's reactions were entirely opposite to his expectations.

Taehyung was too busy observing the city to mind that he had to be scared of being out. His gaze followed everything that seemed to fascinate him, his eyes filled with amusement. If one wants to see stars in broad daylight, then this should be the perfect moment for that. Because Jungkook could see a galaxy of stars in those hazel orbs of the younger.

Jungkook smiled fondly at how the other was admiring the most insignificant things. He couldn't believe how the things that he walked past daily without even bothering to spare a glance at were now surprisingly captivating Taehyung.

Soon, his smile dropped at the realization of how unfair fate was and how cruel humans were with the precious soul. Yet here he was smiling brightly after going through everything. Taehyung is the strongest and bravest person he had ever seen.

He again felt that sting in his heart thinking about all the miseries in the younger's life. Only if he could go back and save him from all his torments.

Jungkook sighed at all his thoughts and glanced at Taehyung when he heard a low squeal from the latter. Taehyung shut his eyes tightly and was letting out a faint squeal of joy every time he was bounced in his seat because of the bumps on the road. The younger was enjoying the slightly bumpy road at which everyone else would feel annoyed.

Jungkook knew more than bothering himself with the past that he can never change. He can't turn back time and give all those years back to Taehyung. But he can at least try to make up for all those years. If these smallest things can bring such delight to Taehyung, then he got a long list of things that he would present the pretty boy with to shower him with all the happiness.

'Brace yourself, Tae…I'm gonna spoil you with every best thing in the world.' He thought and his lips stretched even more when he heard another squeal from the younger. That stretched smile never left his lips even after an hour of reaching their destination and exploring all brands of products to spend his money on.

"Tae, I thought you liked purple more than black." Jungkook asked as Taehyung picked a black sweatshirt over a purple one. "But I want black." Jungkook could hear the pout though he couldn't see it currently because of the face mask Taehyung was wearing. He could only hope for the culprits to be caught quickly, so Taehyung could explore the world without hiding that priceless smile behind the mask.

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