38. Happiness

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Third Person POV :

Isn't it funny how someone arrives into your life suddenly and makes such a beautiful impact on your life, your happiness lies with their existence?

Jungkook has always been happy his whole life. He is rich, the only heir of one of the most successful business empires that even a ten generations after him would never have to worry about living in luxury. He is blessed with a family who has overflowing love for him. They never once forced him into the business which other usual heirs of such corporations struggle with. They let him choose his own passion and he also succeeded in the career he chose.

He is lucky enough to get his hyungs who he can always look up to and who always made sure to help him experience every good thing at every stage of his life as he grew up. He had everything set in his plate ready the minute he wished. He always thought he was the happiest person born on earth.

But when he thinks back he wonders how he felt happiness without Taehyung being with him. How wasn't his life lonely and sad without Taehyung's presence by his side?

Because, he discovered a new definition for the word happiness after Taehyung stepped into his life. That's how it is to fall in love. You find new colours in the familiar world. You know you are falling but you realise it too late that you can't stop yourself from falling, just like falling off from a cliff. And finally you either fall into the arms of your loved ones or faint because you can't handle your emotions.

And Jungkook too fell for Taehyung. So hard that he can never get up. Neither does he want to. All he wishes is for him to have some self-resistance around him.

He thought he had it. Until he made two mistakes consecutively. Now, he doesn't have a choice. He needed to stay away from Taehyung. But who was he kidding?

It's been seven hours since he didn't see Taehyung and he is feeling like he will die. He is feeling suffocated and it is increasing each passing second. He picked up his things and rushed back home. He couldn't keep up with this suffocation anymore.

He parked the car at his house and ran inside exploding through the door just like how Jimin does every time. But he didn't expect Taehyung to be yearning for him as fervently as he was.

The moment he entered the house, he was attacked with a squeezing hug that almost strangled him breathless. He instinctively wrapped his arms around Taehyung trying to calm him down. He was patting on his back gently but it didn't help the boy to relax.

Taehyung would miss Jungkook even if the ravenette was out of his sight for mere ten minutes. And it's already been more than seven hours. That was the longest day in Taehyung's life. The day was harder than his lonely days back in the prison. Only Taehyung knew how much he missed Jungkook.

Minutes passed but Taehyung was not ready to let him go. "...Oh, Jungkook, you came...he has been restless since morning. He kept asking me to call you. Why didn't you answer my calls? At some point, he asked me to take him to you." Jimin said as he saw Jungkook in the doorway in Taehyung's bear hug.

Jungkook lifted him up in his arms and Taehyung nuzzled more into his neck and wrapped his legs around Jungkook's waist. "He is waiting for you to eat together." Jimin said as he was walking in.

"Tae?" No response.

"Tae, let me take a quick shower and come back, hmm?" He asked, stopping in the middle of the room but Taehyung shook his head and snuggled closer to him. Having no option left he moved to the kitchen with Taehyung still in his hands.

He tried to sit him on a chair but the other still refused to leave him. "Your punishment for ignoring him the whole day." Jimin said, taking a chair at the dining table.

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