46. Insurance

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Third person pov :

Both his mind and surroundings went silent when Jungkook placed his lips over his. His heart told him to live in this moment so he closed his eyes as a tear slipped from his eyes and he held Jungkook's arms tightly.

It was just a simple peck yet he felt a gush of emotions. Gratitude, peace, relief and love in his suffering heart.

“Open your eyes and look at me, my precious…hyung is still with you.” Jungkook whispered above his lips making him feel every movement of those lips while speaking. He opened his eyes and pulled back to see Jungkook who was smiling at him like every other day.

“Want to check if I'm hurt somewhere?” Jungkook opened his arms widely for the other to see. Taehyung shook his head and crashed into him leaving multiple pecks on his lips while holding his face in between his arms.

Jungkook's smile widened with each peck as he succeeded in his plan. In both catching the culprits as well as giving some assurance to Taehyung and ease his mind. “Are you happy now?" He asked pulling the other by his waist and returning a peck.

“Very much." Taehyung pecked his lips again making the other chuckle at his cuteness. "So do you want me to drop you here and go like I did this morning?” Jungkook asked, continuing their little fun of pecking.

“No…not at all. Don't leave me.” Taehyung circled his arms around his neck and legs around his waist jumping onto him without a warning which made Jungkook stumble a bit before he stood straight and started walking inside. They reached their bedroom without a halt in their innocent kisses.

“Hyung…” Taehyung suddenly leaned back. “...where is my surprise?" Jungkook smiled at him bopping his nose “Freshen up and come to the lawn. You will meet someone.” He said giving the other a long peck.



“Then I won't meet them." Taehyung pouted and got down from his hold.

“Oh…it's a shame. Jk came all the way here to meet you…. It's okay. I will tell him to go back.” Jungkook tsked and was about to go back but the other stopped him.

“Jk?" Taehyung asked him with wide eyes. “Yes…but you don't want to meet him.” Jungkook shrugged and started walking again.

“Hyung…I want to see him.” Taehyung stopped him again. "Don't worry Tae. I will send him back." Jungkook replied enjoying this more than he thought and took two steps towards the door when he felt the ground under him shaken at the next words from Taehyung.

“Jungkook…go and ask him to wait…I will be there in 10 minutes.” Taehyung demanded. Jimin had been telling him that Jungkook is younger than him but he preferred the things in the same way between them. So he continued to call Jungkook as hyung though he stopped it with Jimin.

“Relax sweetheart…” Jungkook gulped seeing the fierce and unwavering stare of the other. "...uhm…hyung?" Taehyung immediately blushed at that word giving up all his tough stance.

Jungkook smirked and moved closer again. “Oh…my baby likes it when I call him hyung?” He asked and Taehyung blushed more, biting his lower lip to contain his blush.

“Don't be cruel to them hyung…you said you will keep them safe for me.” Jungkook fake pouted. Taehyung hit him lightly on his chest hiding his face there.

“Okay, okay. I won't tease you more. Be there in 10 minutes, okay?” Jungkook asked and Taehyung nodded, still not showing his face. “Hyungie…” Jungkook called him one more time when the other stayed still for more than a minute.

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