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Chapter 51 Courtyard 2

  Speaking of which, Lin Laoer has long felt that his son seemed to have been a little misled by his own woman, but he didn't have much time and had no way to correct it, but now it's better, listen to the old man's words , he wanted to keep the child with him for a while, and Lin Laoer was very supportive.

  Mr. Lin didn't say anything, but the Lin brothers could feel the old man's displeasure. With such a sharp contrast, it would be strange if those three people felt comfortable in their hearts!

  Li Qing was favored by Mr. Lin, and the eldest brother of the Lin family still admired Li Qing. After all, Li Qing tied up Mr. Lin, which was enough to surprise them, so they paid more attention to Li Qing. Naturally, she was excluded by the three sisters-in-law.


  "Why does the old man like that kind of foxy girl?"

  "I thought she was annoying the first time I saw her!"

  "Shh! Keep your voice down!"

  "I think her existence is good, she should be here My mother-in-law took away most of the hatred from us."

  "That's right! The enemy of my enemy is my friend!" They didn't even think about it. Compared with their family backgrounds, they were not as good as Li Qing, so even Mother Lin was If they objected, they were the ones objecting. As for Li Qing, she should be able to accept it.

  Li Qing didn't take it seriously, but Lin You was unhappy. He looked at the three sisters-in-law with a bad look. He didn't take it seriously at first, but he heard everything the three sisters-in-law said, which immediately made him feel a little sick, and the eyes of his three brothers were not mixed.

  The old man was tired and went to rest.

  Lin Zhan, the boss of the Lin family, pulled Lin You aside and said, "Fourth brother, don't mind. Your sister-in-law didn't mean it, but she was too worried about losing me."

  Lin You looked at his eldest brother, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt... This brother's eyes are really clear, and this kind of thing is really not as good as those women chosen by his mother. Speaking of which, these three women are all a bit petty. How can they be as grand as their little goblin?

  Although the three sisters-in-law do not like Li Qing, several brothers of the Li family do admire Li Qing, especially the fifth and sixth. Of course, the sixth has now buried his love deep in his heart.

  When the three sisters-in-law of the Lin family saw that Li Qing and Lao Wu and Lao Liu were able to chat together, their eyes darkened again. Why did the fourth Lao's daughter-in-law come here? No matter whether it was the old man or these brothers, there was no one who could not help but like? Why can't they do it?

  I don't know why, but they also want to get closer to Lao Wu Lao Liu, but they can't talk to each other even if they talk, as if there is a generation gap.

  Speaking of which, these three sisters-in-law are women from ordinary families after all. Although they are pretty and lovely, they are all very capable, otherwise they would not arouse the love of the three eldest young men of the Lin family.

  They really couldn't bear to see Li Qing joking with Lao Wu and Lao Liu.

  They are obviously sisters-in-law, right? Shouldn't the brother-in-law have a good relationship with them? Why are you only looking for the fourth wife? Anyway, they are just jealous, absolutely jealous.

  And the same goes for Li Qing. Shouldn't he be currying favor with his sisters-in-law? It's a pity that because they had shown a displeased attitude before, Li Qing really stayed away from them now.

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