Part Eight

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King Orange was thrown into a prison cell thirty minutes ago. The guards took his weapon for examining. He was thinking about how to escape and save Purple when he heard a voice.

"So, you must be King Orange," said the voice, "I've got to say, I'm impressed. You've managed to create a weapon using skills that only few could comprehend. Fortunately, I was able to figure out how it works and made a new one."

A mysterious figure stood before King Orange's cell and showed him a staff. It looked like the one King Orange made, except it was in red and black.

"How?!" asked King Orange, shocked, "How did you make it in thirty minutes?! That took me two months to figure out how to make it!"

"Well, I guess it's easier if you already figured out the mechanism than figuring out how to make it. I would be happy if I could work with a genius like you. I know we're on opposite sides, but unlike the leader, I actually want to get rid of someone else more than Alan."

"Who?" asked King Orange, "And why would I help you?"

"He is a traitor," said the mysterious figure, "We were once friends, but he betrayed me to help Alan. We ended up having a fight, and I got blasted into a mountain. I eventually got out, but it wasn't until later that I realized the consequences of escaping. I know what happened to your son, and I know why. It was caused by my escape, which was caused by the fight we had. Caused by his betrayal!"


"I will explain later. But if you want to help me, just know that the name of that traitor is The Chosen One," the figure began to leave.

"WAIT!" yelled King Orange, "I-I want to help you! Tell me your name!"

The figure turned around to face King Orange, with a smile on his face, as if he already knew that this prisoner would help him. He said his name.

"The Dark Lord."

To Be Continued...

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