Second Alan - Part One

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 The Second Coming blocked the arrows of Hunter with a shield he just drew. He quickly drew himself a sword and continued to fight. Second tried to dodge all the attacks and attack, but it was very difficult. A glitch bullet hit him, and he fell to the ground. He tried to stand up, but the pain was just too much. If only he wasn't the only one fighting, this wouldn't be so hard...

No. I can't do that, thought Second, I can't let them be in danger. They are sentient, after all...

Ever since the moment the workers killed the electric eel during the test of the pen, Second had realized that his drawings were sentient. He had thoughts about it before that, but he kept rejecting the idea. But now, he had to face the truth. The drawings he made are sentient, just like him.

Which means that it's not right to force them to fight.

The three mercenaries pinned him on the floor, continuing their attacks. More and more wounds began to show up on Second's body. Just when he thought all was lost, he saw a familiar green light around his wounds.

I'm not entirely sure if we're on the same side. We might even be on the opposite side...

But I guess I just don't like seeing anyone die.

I'll try to give you as much of my power as I can, but it can't last for too long without anything threatening the immune system.

The wounds in Second's body began to heal. He began to feel power in his body.


The Second Coming finally felt that he had a chance to win.


Author notes:

I can't even write five sentences of a fighting scene before getting tired...


Looks like I'll have to focus more on the plot than the actual fighting...

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