Lost Memories

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Second... Are you there?

Yes. Where are we?

The Second Coming and The Voice were in a black void. There was only the two of them and no one else.

I think we are unconscious right now? But I can't remember anything... How did we get here?

I can't remember either.

I do have access to someone else's memory though... I don't know how, but I think it's the only thing that we have right now to help us remember. At the very least, it should help me a bit.

Whose memory is it?

Victim's. The memories belong to Victim.

June 3, 2006.

Victim. That was the name that the creator gave me. I was created just to be tortured, to be killed.

We died, all five of us did. We were in a void with no chance to escape, but we refused to give up. I believe we will find a way.

Voices could be heard from the outside, and we realized that the humans outside were talking about us. Our creator, apparently named Alan Becker, made our story into a video. It was famous, many people liked it, and it made us feel sick. Is that all what I was created for? For views? For fame?

The name of that video was Animator vs. Animation. And we hated it.

But not all hope was lost. Apparently, there were still people who still cared about us. People who know what Alan did was wrong, people who think that we didn't deserve to die, people who decided to fight back for us, no matter how hard. And they had an idea.

They wanted to bring us back.

The Dark Lord tried to remember the past. Although his first memory was being created by Alan, he knew that there were things that happened before that. And the only reason he could be so sure about that was because of one thing.

The Vira Bands.

Although many believed that Dark was the one who created them, only he and Chosen knew that it was not true.

During the night of October 2, 2014, Dark was taking a walk outside. He saw a house that just got burned down today, and strangely enough, it had a familiar presence to him. Dark went inside to investigate, and the longer he stayed there, the more he was sure that he came here before. But he just couldn't remember anything.

In a room, he found a Vira Band. Immediately, the familiar feeling became much more intense. Dark put it on, and he somehow knew exactly how to use it. He had a feeling that this was the key to solving his mysterious past. Suddenly, he remembered something.

There was someone, only one person in the entire world, who was immune to the virus in this thing. He had a blurry memory of working with that person. Whoever it was, he was one of the most important people in his life, before Alan had "created" him.

And now, he knew exactly who he is. But... Something was wrong. The Second Coming doesn't feel like the right person. So then, why was he immune?

There was only one person he could ask. His best friend, the only person who remembered things before his creation.

The Chosen One.

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