The Plan and The Discussion

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"I am very sorry that my escape had caused such a tragedy," said The Dark Lord, "But maybe, just maybe... If Chosen didn't throw the first punch when we could have just talked it out to solve the conflict, if he didn't start the fight that resulted in me getting trapped in the first place... This would have never happened."

"I would help you," said King Orange, "But it sure surprises me that you do have empathy, unlike what others had said about you. Are you...really The Dark Lord?"

"I will explain everything to you," said The Dark Lord, "Follow me. I'll explain on the way to my workroom."

King Orange left with The Dark Lord. When The Dark Lord didn't notice him, King Orange quickly left his phone to Yellow.

Yellow is an engineering genius, so he will figure out King Orange's password very quickly, just like with The Dark Lord's computer.

Yellow, I believe you won't let me down. Send the others the live footage from me, there might be important information. I will be undercover. A double agent.

Please don't hate me for helping him.

I just want revenge for my son.


YELLOW: Alan! It's me, Yellow, with King Orange's phone!

ALAN: Are you alright? Why do you have his phone?

YELLOW: He gave me it. There is live footage coming from him, and I think he wants me to send it to you guys. He is now undercover and is working with someone in the organization.

ALAN: Who is it?

YELLOW: I don't know. I didn't pay attention, but his voice is familiar. Also is Green here? I need to tell him something.

ALAN: (Green) We're all here. What do you want to say?

YELLOW: Your theory is that the leader is Victim, but the leader said that his name is Victor Imanal.

ALAN: (Green) WHAT?!

YELLOW: Either your theory is wrong, or that is his fake name. I mean, he did say that "no one is allowed to call him any other name". He might have made that name because he doesn't like being called Victim.

ALAN: (Green) Makes sense. No one would like being called that. But... Why is the last name "Imanal"? It doesn't sound like a real name. Unless... There's some meaning behind it?

(3 minutes later)

ALAN: Guys? I think I know what it stands for. Except it makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE, so...

YELLOW: What is it?

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