The Recruit

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The recruit and Purple ran out of the building. Just when they thought they were safe, the recruit heard someone shouting behind them.

"Freeze or we'll shoot!"

Both of them turned around. Behind them were many workers, wearing full protection and all carrying guns. All the guns are aimed towards the two of them.

The recruit took out the last two remaining vials he had, an N-3 and an N-4. He put the two vials close together.

"If any of you shoot him, you will all die!" said the recruit. All the workers froze.

"Purple! Get out of here! NOW!"

Purple dashed out of the door, waiting for the recruit to follow him.

"Someone close the door!" said a worker, "We can't let them both escape!"

The metal door had closed, right in between Purple and the recruit. There is no way the recruit could escape now.

"Surrender now," said another worker, "Give us the two vials, and we'll let you live."

The recruit didn't believe him. Even if he did give the vials, even if he did live, who's to say they wouldn't put Purple in danger again?

There is nothing he could do to stop them. The only thing he could do, is to reduce the risk of that happening as much as he could. He could get rid of a third of the workers, right there and right now.

The only thing it would cost him was his own life.


I know I had done terrible things to you in the past. I tried to train you into a fighter like me, but I didn't realize how much damage I've done. In all these years, I always wanted to apologize properly, yet I was too afraid to come back to face the past. I couldn't even come to your mother's grave.

I've heard you have friends now, and even have a new dad that cares for you. Yet I couldn't even prevent you from being in danger of this organization.

I had failed you, and I know I could never fix the damage I had done to you. I just want you to know that I wish you could live a happier life, a life without pain, a life with the people you truly love, a life without me.

And I love you, Purple...

I love you.

When Purple heard the sound of the explosion from the other side of the metal, he knew exactly what happened to the recruit. Purple's tears poured down his face, like a waterfall that would never stop flowing. He cried, shouted the identity of the recruit that he had never said since he left years ago. Except this time, he left forever.


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