The Reunion

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 The Second Coming snuck into the base of the Rocket Organization. It was eleven in the night, but Second couldn't sleep. He had an important mission.

Previously, after Alan got captured and the pen was taken again, Second was freed. However, Second was determined to save Alan and the others. He would do anything to ensure the safety and freedom of his friends and his creator.

I'll have to save Alan first, because he's the only one currently in danger. I've overheard that the leader wants to kill him in The Box and no one else, thought Second, Then we'll go to the other cells and free the others. The Chosen One, Yellow, and King Orange. After that, we'll retreat and think of a plan to take down the organization, once and for all.

But Second realized that something was wrong. There was another person who needed to be freed, but his tired mind couldn't remember who it was.

Who else was there?

Purple was all alone, standing in the cold wind of the night. Just one day ago, his father had died. It took him forever before he calmed down enough to think about his new mission.

He looked down at the keys in his hands. Those were the keys that his father used to free him and had given to him. And now, it was time to use it to free the others. He will get back in, and he will unlock all the cells to free everybody.

Purple unlocked the doors to the main entrance, and he walked in.

When The Second Coming finally found his way to the cell room, he didn't expect to see someone with the exact same goal as him.

"Purple?!" asked Second, "How did you get out?"

"I could ask the same to you," said Purple, "Many... Many things had happened on my side, and we don't have time for me to explain."

"Same here," said Second, "I try to bring Alan out of The Box, you go save the others."

It was only when Second stood before The Box that he had realized that the entrance was locked, and there was no way he could enter. Just when he was trying to figure out what to do, he heard Purple's voice from the other side.

"Why are all of you in the same cell... OH MY GOD- SECOND! YOU HAVE TO COME HERE! NOW!!"

The Dark Lord had planned to escape after Victor was done with Alan. But now, that plan became impossible.

When Purple unlocked the cell, he didn't expect to see one of the most dangerous criminals being locked in there.

The Dark Lord.

Second came to see what was going on. He was also shocked to see that The Dark Lord was there.

"The Dark Lord?!" asked Second, "You're... Alive?! What are you planning to do?!"

"I won't hurt you guys, I promise," said Dark immediately, "I have a lot of things to explain to you, but just know now that I have changed."

"He's on our side now," said Chosen, who had just woken up an hour ago, "You can trust him now."

"Do any of you know how to get into The Box?" asked Second, "Its entrance is locked, and we have to get Alan out of here!"

"No," lied Dark, "But I do have a plan. We'll let King Orange try to hack the door to open, while the rest of us exchange information. I feel like we all have many things that had happened to us, and maybe sharing what happened might give us useful information."

The Dark Lord had a new plan, but he wasn't sure if it would work. He needed to stall the others, and the only way he could think of to do this was to let them share what happened. Then, hopefully, Victor would arrive before everyone else figures out The Dark Lord's lie: He was the one who made the door's system, and so he would know how to get in.

When everybody finished telling everything that had happened, Yellow volunteered to help King Orange to hack the system. Although King Orange was excellent at mechanical engineering, his skills at software engineering were not as well. Dark knew that as soon Yellow - the person who hacked into his computer - began helping King Orange, his secret would be exposed immediately.

Just as all hope was lost for The Dark Lord, he heard the sound of someone's footsteps coming closer.

Victor Imanal.

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