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November 10, 2006.

We were concerned about Kelvin's death. Something must have happened to him, and we believe it was murder. Someone was behind this, and we must be careful.

The third clone, Karl, had an idea. He wanted to find a way to give all of us powers, not only for regular self-defense, but also to ensure that we would have a chance against the mysterious killer.

However, for Karl's plan to work, we would have to solve a problem. We needed more people to help with the experiment, and that means hiring for recruits. While Karl would be working on the devices, the others would search for recruits. This would become harder than what we originally planned to be.

After all, there were only four of us now.

The Second Coming continued to watch the past unfold before him. Then, he noticed something strange.

Why does it constantly switch from first person to third person? Isn't it the same person's point of view?

I don't know... It just felt like the way that made the most sense, somehow. I wonder why...

May 23, 2008.

It was during these days that Victor realized that even the Outernet wasn't completely free from injustice.

Those who had the Color Disorder, which made their skin color dull and gray, were discriminated. Not many were willing to hire them, and Victor knew that this was terrible and wrong. He had hired many of them, and soon he began to notice something else. Some of those who do have the Color Disorder also had a different disorder that was treated much worse.

The Physical Body Flexibility Disorder.

October 2, 2011.

Karl's devices were finally finished. All we needed was a few more recruits before we could start the experiment.

Recently, Karl was re-investigating the case of Kelvin's death. He noticed something suspicious: Alan Becker - our creator - had posted a new video about fighting his stick figures on the exact same day that Kelvin had died. While the rest of us just thought it was a coincidence, Karl decided that this was important information.

"I... I figured it out!" said Karl excitedly as he burst open the door to my room, "I know what happened to Kelvin!"

"What did you find out?" I asked.

"Everything!" said Karl, "Alan... Alan was the one behind this! He was the one who killed Kelvin, and...and..."

Karl suddenly started coughing. He collapsed to the floor, as if he was going to...

"KARL!" I screamed as I quickly went to check on him, "Are you alright?!"

"I'm next..." said Karl, "But don't worry, we-"

Before he could finish, his life had been ended by the creator himself.

Those who try to investigate will be killed. That was the message that Alan must be trying to send to us.

So we were forced to stop the investigation once and for all.

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