Victim and The Chosen One

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July 8, 2006.

The moment we got rescued was the most wonderful moment in our entire lives. The surrounding darkness shattered as the light from the outside illuminated our view. We walked out, seeing the landscape of this land of the Outernet for the first time in our lives.

Freedom. We finally had freedom.

The days right after the escape were peaceful. We lived together, and those days were fun. We also thought about revenge, but we haven't figured out how to return to Alan's PC.

So we settled down and decided to live a normal life.

November 4, 2006.

Yesterday, the second clone - Kelvin - announced something special. Well, technically he was the first clone because I was the original, but I was called the "First Clone" so that the group feels less awkward since we were called The Five Clones.

Kelvin said that he figured out how to get into Alan's PC again, although it does depend on luck. He said that he would tell us one day later, which was today.

Suddenly, we heard a scream from Kelvin's room. We rushed in to see what happened, and we were all shocked.

Kelvin was lying on the ground lifelessly. We tried to wake him up, but it was no use. We were too late.

He had died. And someone must have killed him.

Kelvin's body began to disintegrate into pieces of code and slowly began to fade...

"I need you to tell me your past," Dark asked Chosen, "Like, before Alan 'created' you."

"Before...?" asked Chosen. He used to be able to remember what happened before his "creation", but now those memories began to fade.

He tried to remember, searching everywhere in his memory, until he could find a clue to his past...

October 2, 2011.

The Chosen One and The Dark Lord escaped into the Outernet. They were finally free from the past, or that was what Chosen thought. Ever since he was freed from Alan's PC, Chosen felt a bit strange. Always as if...something was missing.

He was enslaved for so long, powerless and being controlled by Alan to delete pop-ups. He wanted the feeling of power, and this urge has been twisted to the point he wanted to destroy, to hurt others in order to show the power he has over others.

He became controlled by his past.

And so for the following years - months in the Outernet - Chosen was causing destruction, with Dark alongside him. The Dark Lord had no idea why Chosen was doing this, and because of his lack of empathy, he decided to join without questioning.

However, this wouldn't last. Slowly, the side effects from Chosen's past began to fade, and he began to realize what he did was wrong.

The moment Chosen realized that the Vira Bots could kill others, he couldn't handle it anymore. The thought of murder had reminded him of his past, before Alan made him The Chosen One, and he hated it. That was the reason he attacked The Dark Lord.

"I... I remember now!" said The Chosen One, "Before I became The Chosen One, I was..."

He was the Second Clone. His name was Kelvin. The moment right after he died was when he got reincarnated as The Chosen One. Right after his creation, he immediately attacked his creator. He would try to destroy everything from his creator, all for the revenge for all five of them.

Because before The Chosen One, before BEAST, before killer, he was someone else.

He was Victim.

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