Second Alan - Part Two

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Second combined his powers with the pen. He drew thousands of arrows that carried his powers, and shot all of them towards the enemies.

Although his powers were only a fraction of what he used the first time, it was still enough to overpower the mercenaries and the workers.

Don't. Kill them. Otherwise I'm taking the power away.

I won't! I'm not The Dark Lord, I don't like killing!

The mercenaries tried their best to dodge the attacks, but it was no use. After a few more minutes of fighting, all members had fallen.

No! thought Hunter, We can't just lose like that! There's got to be a way... If only Agent Smith was here...

Second's powers were fading. It was time to get out of there and find Alan.

Suddenly, there was a voice. That voice could be heard in the earpieces of all the members of the organization, including the ones beside The Second Coming.

"This is the Rocket Organization leader, Victor Imanal. Reporting to all members of the organization. Agent Smith..."

A minute after the message was finished, there was nothing but silence. It took a long time for all the members to accept the news from the leader himself.

What happened to Agent Smith? I can't hear the rest of the message...

Suddenly, Bastilla, who previously lost all his energy during the battle, jumped up and attacked The Second Coming. The other mercenaries followed, attacking Second immediately.

Second was overwhelmed. Without his powers, he was defenseless against the mercenaries.

The strange thing is, the three mercenaries all seemed to be extremely furious, which had never happened before. Why?

I think... I think I know what happened...

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