Double Agent - Part Three

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The decision was up to King Orange. It was now or never.

"The Dark Lord, I know you want revenge," said King Orange, "So did I. But they are right, revenge wouldn't solve anything. I'm afraid we'll have to be on opposite sides again."

The Dark Lord's smile faded. Enemies, friends, then enemies again. He knew the feeling of betrayal all too well. Why did he trust someone so easily again? Why?

"You're just another traitor..." said The Dark Lord as he used his staff to knock all of them unconscious, "Another TRAITOR just like HIM!"

"You think I've never noticed that you were being suspicious? I KNOW you hacked into our system, I KNOW you were helping them and I STILL. TRUSTED. YOU!"

"And even after all of that..." said The Dark Lord, activating his Dark Blade, "I STILL don't want to kill you! WHY did you have to BETRAY ME?! WHY?!"

There was nothing but silence. No one could answer his question.

Victor was walking slowly down the corridor. Even if he couldn't feel sadness, he could still feel...something. The feeling like all hope was lost, and everything was pointless. He needed to return to his room and plan for the funeral.

He saw The Dark Lord beside four other unconscious stick figures. Three of them from the Colored Gang, with the last one being King Orange. Victor saw The Dark Lord's emotionless expression, with tears from his eyes, and knew exactly what happened.

"Dark..." said Victor, "Did you also found out that he...was a traitor?"

The Dark Lord suddenly turned around to face him, the Dark Blade pointed towards Victor.


"You can't, Dark. You can't... There is no way you could ever make sure someone won't betray you. It's always up to you to decide whether you trust me or not."

The Dark Lord didn't know how to answer. The silence between the two of them lasted for a long time.

"I am sorry for yelling at you, it's just..." The Dark Lord lowered the blade, "I got betrayed again...and my emotions went out of control."

"It's okay, Dark," said Victor, "I think it should be time to end this all. You can go see The Chosen One now. And have the revenge you always deserved."

"Thank you," said The Dark Lord before he left.

It's time to end this once and for all.

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