Purple and The Recruit - Part Three

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We will capture The Second Coming. We will defeat Alan. No matter how hard... thought Hunter.

For you, Agent Smith.

A few minutes ago.

The recruit was holding the vial with the N Explosive.

"Don't come any closer," said the recruit, "Or I'll explode this entire half of the building."

Agent Smith couldn't find a way to handle the issue. Even if he tried to pause the N Explosive with his toolbar, there is no guarantee that he could do it fast enough. If he were just a second too late, all of them would die. The risk is just too large.

"This is Agent Smith, reporting to all members," said Agent Smith, "The new recruit had betrayed us and is now attempting to escape with Prisoner Royal Purple through the back exit. The recruit has vials with N-3 and N-4, and had made the N Explosive. I repeat, he has the N Explosive!"

It took what felt like forever, but Victor finally arrived. When he entered the room, he saw three stick figures. The recruit, holding the N Explosive. Purple, who was standing behind him, unsure what to do. Agent Smith, blocking the exit, refusing to let the other two escape.

"Watch out!" Purple said to the recruit after seeing Victor, "I heard the others said that he's the leader!"

So he's the leader, thought the recruit, He was the one behind this. The one responsible for locking Purple up.

The recruit looked at Purple. The wounds on his body were still visible. Purple must have fought before getting caught.

No. He doesn't deserve to be the one caring for Purple after everything that happened in the past.

But what he could do now, to try the very least to pay for his crimes, was to make sure that no one would hurt Purple like that again. Ever.

He used all his might to throw the vial towards Victor.

Agent Smith didn't even think before he acted, as there was no time to do so. He ran towards the vial as fast as he could, and knocked the vial away from Victor with his own body right before it fell to the floor.

The vial crashed into the floor in a safe distance from Victor.

Victor. I wanted to tell you that you were the first person I met that accepted me. The first person that cared for me. So I always wanted to give you something in return. Now, I finally did.

Goodbye, Victor.

Victor saw the explosion in the room. It took a few minutes for it to settle down. By then, the recruit and Purple had already left.

He didn't need to look to know what happened. He knew he should be feeling sadness now, but he couldn't. All he could feel was emptiness, like something was missing from him. Someone.

He stood there silently for what felt like an eternity. Then, he slowly pressed on his earpiece to send a message. A message to all the members in the entire Rocket Organization.

"This is the Rocket Organization leader, Victor Imanal. Reporting to all members of the organization. Agent Smith was caught in an explosion of the N Explosive."

"He was killed in action."

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