The Truth About The Night

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 "What do you claim to know about the incident with my son?" asked King Orange.

"At first, I didn't know why did the Minecraft VR machine got corrupted. I just thought I was strange that it happened on the same night I had escaped," said The Dark Lord, "But once I investigated the machine, I knew exactly what happened..."

October 24, 2020.

The Dark Lord woke up in the middle of darkness. His whole body hurt, and it was impossible to move. Slowly, he remembered what happened to him.

He had a fight with The Chosen One, his former best and only friend. There were five other stick figures involved, and he killed four of them. The orange one, however, managed to survive. The orange stick figure used his powers to blast the Dark Lord into a mountain, knocking him unconscious.

The Dark Lord knew he had to escape. He used his Vira Bands to shoot a giant beam of corruption, just like he did earlier in The Showdown. Instead of shooting towards the sky, the beam hit the side of the mountain, making a tunnel that The Dark Lord could escape through. That night was when The Dark Lord left, hiding his identity until the time comes for his revenge.

"When I saw the VR machine several days later, I saw a giant hole in it. The entire game system was corrupted, by a virus that only Chosen and I could recognize. I think you know the rest of the story already..."

King Orange nodded silently. Now everything that had happened that night finally made sense...

October 24, 2020.

"Dad, can I play this game? It looks so fun!"

"Sure, why not!"

Soon after Gold went into the VR machine, King Orange had seen a dark beam shooting sideways into the sky, barely noticeable in the night sky. It lasted for a few seconds before disappearing.

That night, the Dark Lord's beam sliced through the mountain. But it didn't stop there.

It went across the sky and shot the VR machine. It blasted a hole in it, destroying the exit system. Now no one can leave the game. Then, the virus began to corrupt the program...

The game began to glitch. Gold exited the game, trying to escape. But he was getting blasted away by the machine, as King Orange and the workers were trying with all their might to break the glass door that separated Gold from safety.

He was almost there, so close to the door...

Yet it was then that the game took Gold away from his father.


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