A Mysterious Recruit

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The recruit followed Agent Smith, who showed and explained everything in this building along the way.

"Your fighting skills are beyond our expectations," said Agent Smith, "I'll let the leader see you. I wonder what job he might give you..."

"Yes! I finally got recruited!" said the recruit, "I promise that I would do my job as good as I can!"

They passed by a room with many workers who were still trying to figure out how to use the pen they got from The Second Coming. Both Agent Smith and the recruit walked into the room. Suddenly, everyone had stopped what they were doing to look at the new recruit. Unlike the dull gray color of all the other workers, the new recruit's color is deep and rich, a stark contrast to everyone else.

"Here's our new recruit," said Agent Smith, "He will join us very soon."

"What is that?" asked the recruit as he pointed towards the pen.

"Don't touch that," said Agent Smith, "It's a dangerous tool, capable of creating all sorts of other weapons. Except we couldn't figure out a way to use it, because apparently only The Second Coming can."

"The Second Coming?" asked the recruit, "Is he...one of Purple's friends?"

"I think so... Wait. Why am I telling you this? It's not important, that Second Coming guy is already in jail. Also, he was the one who had the pen before we took it. That's all what you needed to know. Come on, we have to go see the leader now..."

The recruit hesitated for a few seconds. There is a part of him that screamed the idea of helping Purple's friend, while the other part said that he had nothing to do with Purple anymore.

But deep down inside, the recruit knew that he wouldn't ever let Purple be in danger. So the same goes for Purple's friend.

When no one was noticing, he quickly took the pen away and followed Agent Smith.

The Second Coming couldn't believe his eyes.

He only fell asleep for a few minutes, and when he woke up, he saw the pen in his cell. There was a small hole in the cell wall, which seems to have been made by sulfuric acid, so that must be how the pen was delivered.

But who did this? And why?

Second knew he didn't have time to think about this. He had to escape as soon as possible. He quickly used his pen to draw a large acid gun.

The one I used back when I was fighting Alan was much smaller, but I need to blast a hole large enough to escape. Let's just hope that I can even use a gun larger than myself...

Second was about to shoot, but his arms began to tremble. He was breathing faster than normal, and stress began to fill his entire mind.

It was as it he was almost shot by this type of gun. Not once, but twice. As if that actually happened to him.

But that never happened! Just CALM DOWN!

However, the longer he waited, the more he began to doubt himself. He had no memory of his powers, so shouldn't it be possible for him to suffer an event that he couldn't remember?

But that memory didn't feel like his. It felt like it was someone else's, someone familiar that he just couldn't remember.

Did this really happen? Why would I have someone else's memory?

Who even is that person?

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