The Power

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 As soon as Victor went inside The Box, the others immediately started moving.

"They can't see us, right?" Green asked The Dark Lord.

"Nope," said Dark, "We can see what's happening inside, but they can't see the outside, so we're safe."

Yellow quickly began to inspect the door to The Box. He tried to hack it, but failed.

"I can't hack it," said Yellow, "If someone tries to open the door through hacking, The Box would explode, and the person who tries to hack it would also die. The way how the code was written looks familiar... Dark, were you the one who did this?"

"Yeah, about that..." said Dark, "I was the one who made the defense mechanism, but I don't know the password."

The Dark Lord knew the password. However, he was still against Alan and would not betray Victor, so he had to lie.

"How are we supposed to get in now?" asked Red.

In Second's mind, a voice suddenly appeared.

I have an idea. I'm not entirely sure if it would work, but we can try.

What is it?

Here's the plan...

"Dark!" said Second, "I have an idea! Give me one of your Vira Bands!"

The Dark Lord was confused, but he still decided to give it to Second.

If I don't remember wrong, you should press there and it should work.

The Second Coming pressed somewhere on the Vira Band. Suddenly, a mini version of the Dark Blade came out, except it was facing the inside of the Vira Band.

"Wha- What is that?!" asked Dark, "I didn't even know that it could do that!"

Second made the blade disappear and put the Vira Band on his wrist. Then, he pressed the same location as he did last time. The blade stabbed into his wrist, and the virus began to spread inside him.


"Don't worry," said Second. Strangely, the blade didn't hurt at all, "I'm immune to the virus. The virus is the key to activate my powers, and with them, I should be able to break into The Box."

"You're the virus?" asked The Dark Lord. There was only one person in the entire world that is immune, and that person...

Dark's head began to hurt as he struggled to remember his past. There was something special about the one that is immune, but he couldn't remember why.

All he knew was that The Second Coming was the key to solving everything.

Suddenly, Second fell unconscious. All the others came to see what happened.

"Second! Are you alright?" asked Blue desperately.

The Second Coming's body began to glow in a soft, green light.

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