The Voice and The Second Coming

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 Soon after EclipseAmethyst left The Box, Victor went back in. The group still didn't manage to see what was the password that he entered.

"When is Second going to wake up?" asked Blue.

"I don't know," said Chosen, "Last time he was unconscious for only a minute-"

The green light around Second began to glow brighter. Then, he opened his eyes.

The Voice knew he had taken control of Second's body. Again.

At the very least, this time Second didn't go unconscious. Instead, he was spectating everything. Second was glad that he didn't have to lose his memory about what was happening anymore.

The Voice headed towards the door to The Box. He knew the password, and it was time to enter it.

The password - or rather, passwords - to The Box were the names of The Five Clones. He entered the names, one by one.

First Clone: Victim

Second Clone: Kelvin

Third Clone: Karl

Fifth Clone: Victor Imanal

The Voice paused. For some reason, he just couldn't remember the name of the fourth clone. He remembered that the fourth clone was the only one without a proper name, and instead have a cool title. The other clones always teased him by calling him "The Second Last".

Second Last... So similar to his actual name! But... What was it?

There were pieces of his memory that were still lost, and he didn't know how to find them.

"Second, are you alright?" asked Green.

Second? Your Second?

Yes. What's wrong?

"Hold on," said The Voice, "Say the name again. The whole name."

"The Second Coming?"

The Second Coming...

Suddenly, all the confusion had shattered in that second. All of The Voice's memories came back, and everything made sense now.

Well, almost.

In order to find the last piece of the puzzle, to confirm his theory, he would have to ask two more people.

The Chosen One and The Dark Lord.

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