Pieces of Information

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 The Second Coming was thinking in his cell. He couldn't remember anything during the time his powers were activated. All he could remember was that before his powers activated, the virus from his wounds was trying to delete him...

The virus! thought The Second Coming, The virus is the key to my powers!

He had a theory. His powers were actually a part of his immune system that he didn't know about, and the only way to activate his powers was to threaten the immune system. So far, the only thing that has worked is the virus from the Dark Lord's Dark Blades. Everything else that has put him in life danger hasn't worked.

Except the virus was no longer an option. All the Virabots had been destroyed, and the only person who had the Vira Bands - which is The Dark Lord - got killed by none other than Second himself. He is dead, and everyone knows that.

Or rather, that was what everybody had assumed.

What if we were wrong this whole time? What if The Dark Lord is still alive?

"Come on, just hire me! Please!" said a recruit.

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid we don't need any new recruits right now," said Agent Smith.

"You can let me be a security guard," said the recruit, "I'm excellent at fighting!"

"Good at fighting?" asked Agent Smith. Last time, when the Colored Gang snuck in, all the workers got defeated by them in less than a minute. A guard who's good at fighting would mean less work for the mercenaries.

"We'll see if you actually are as good at fighting as you claim to be. If it's true, then we'll let you join."

"I promise, I won't let you down."

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