The Voice - The Second Coming

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 The Second Coming finally pulled the trigger of the acid gun. The wall of the cell was gone, and he quickly got out. He had to escape this place and tell Alan that he was in trouble.

Second, I need to talk to you right now.

Who is it?!

Are you the one with green powers that you didn't know, because you were unconscious when it was used?

Yes. Wait, you still haven't answered my question!

I'm the one with your powers, Second. I remember what I did with it, and I am very confused. Back then I attacked him out of anger, but I have no hatred towards The Dark Lord, so the hatred must have come from you. I want to figure out how our connection works, and also other things that only you know.

How do I know what you're saying is true?

I can show you the memory of using the powers right now.

Second was finally able to remember exactly what happened when his powers activated.

Okay, I trust you now. But we have to deal with that later, I have to get out of here before the others find me.

Second ran out of the room. He was careful to not get caught by the workers as he navigated through the corridors and getting closer to the exit. Closer to warning Alan.

Why do you want to help Alan, Second?

What do you mean? He's a good person, of course I'm helping him!

There was silence between the two of them for a while.

I think there might have been some misunderstandings. Once you get into a safe location, we'll have to tell each other our own point of view about Alan Becker.

Just as Second was about to escape, Bastilla caught him in the act.

"This is Bastilla, reporting to all members," Bastilla said to his earpiece, "Prisoner Second Coming attempted to escape, I am calling for reinforcements! I repeat, calling for reinforcements!"

The alarm began to sound in the entire building. Bastilla began to fight against The Second Coming, and soon others came. There were many workers that got sent, and there was also Hazard and Hunter. But there are people who were missing.

"Where is our team leader, Agent Smith?!" asked Hunter, "Or The Dark Lord?! Or that new recruit that Agent Smith said was good at fighting?! WHERE ARE THEY?!?!"

"This is The Dark Lord, reporting to the mercenaries," The Dark Lord's voice came from the earpieces of all the mercenaries, "The remaining members of the Colored Gang had broken into the building. We are trying to handle the issue, and we'll come to support as soon as we're done."

"What about the other two?" asked Hazard while fighting.

A few minutes had passed, and there was still no sign from Agent Smith or about the new recruit.

"This is Hunter, reporting to team leader Agent Smith," Hunter said to his earpiece, "Please report your current situation immediately. I repeat, please report your current situation immediately!"

There was still nothing from the other side.

Something must be wrong...


Author notes:

Ok I promise from this point on, things are going to get more ePiC. I wonder how many Alan Becker fans actually made it that far into a story that has NEARLY 0.00000000000000000% ACTION AND FIGHTING SCENES(Cuz I'm bad at those).

So uhhh... I hope the action scenes aren't too bad...

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