The Voice - The Chosen One

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 The Chosen One was stuck in The Box for hours, with absolutely nothing to do. He began to remember all the times in the past, when he and The Dark Lord were having fun together.

There was a time when they were eating ice cream together, and The Dark Lord accidentally melted his own when trying to make fire with his other hand. He chased after The Chosen One for his remaining ice cream, and they laughed during the entire chase.

There was a time when The Chosen One was having nightmares about his past with Alan, and he couldn't sleep. The Dark Lord decided to watch the stars outside with him, while chatting about future plans. Eventually, he fell asleep, and it was The Dark Lord who carried him back to bed.

There was a time, when they first escaped Alan's computer, and landed near the cliff. They loved the view there, and decided to stay. It took them a while to build the two houses, but it was all worth it.

There was a time, when The Chosen One and The Dark Lord were friends, instead of enemies.

"Want to be friends?" asked The Chosen One, reaching out his hand to The Dark Lord.

"Yes, I want us to be best friends," said The Dark Lord as he held Chosen's hand,


Despite everything that had happened, there is a part of Chosen who still wished to be with The Dark Lord.

No. Stop thinking about that, thought Chosen, Dark and I are no longer friends. He was being too evil, and I had to stop him.

But don't you think you guys could have just talked it out, Chosen? You could have explained your worries to him, and maybe he would understand. You two were friends, after all. Maybe you could try to resolve the problem with him, and you two can be friends again.

I don't think that would work. Besides, isn't he already dead?

He's still alive, Chosen. The Dark Lord is still alive.

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