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 When Victor walked into the cell room, he didn't realize that something was wrong. He didn't notice that everyone in the cells had disappeared, nor did he see that they were trying their best to hide from him.

All of his attention was at The Box. Or rather, who was in it. Victor entered the password for the door of The Box, then he entered.

He closed the door behind him. Victor knew that the battle against Alan would be hard, and it wouldn't have even be possible without the help of the others.

Which includes the mysterious masked girl.

The door to Victor's room opened. A girl with a purple mask on her face entered, and immediately opened the computer.

The Masked Girl was not a stick figure, but a human. She volunteered to help Victor with bringing Alan into the Outernet, and she seemed to be a reliable person.

She was now monitoring the activity in The Box, helping Victor whenever she can. Giving him weapons, cloning him, messing with Alan. All the things that Smith was supposed to do were now her job.

The Masked Girl smiled. Victor was winning, and she could ensure his safety. As for The Dark Lord, he was safe as soon as he redeemed himself and was friends with Chosen again.

The Dark Lord...and Victim... Neither of you know who I am, do you? But I know who you are, and I know neither of you deserved to suffer so much...

I promise, I will protect both of you as much as I can.

She wished she could tell them who she was, to spend more time with them, but she knew it was impossible. Ironically, because of what she did to try to save them, she was the most dangerous person to both stick figures.

The Masked Girl knew she didn't have much time left. She would either leave as soon as she could, perhaps never seeing them ever again...

Or she could stay forever, and see as the two stick figures that she swore to protect ending up killed by her own powers.

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