Victor and The Dark Lord

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October 25, 2014.

The Dark Lord woke up in the hospital of the Rocket Organization Headquarters. His wounds have been bandages, and he feels a bit better now. He looked up to see the person who had saved him.

"Glad that I managed to save you before it was too late," said Victor, "I heard you also hate Alan?"

"Yes..." said The Dark Lord, "And also The Chosen One... THAT TRAITOR-"

Dark began to cough severely.

"Calm down!" said Victor, "You don't have to say anything. Alan's videos told me everything that had happened. Would you like to help me to defeat Alan once and for all? I can also help you find the traitor."

The Dark Lord nodded. And so after Dark had healed, the two of them began working together. They discussed the plans together, and they worked together to solve many problems. And soon, they became more than just partners. They had become friends, and they began to tell each other parts of their past.

One day, The Dark Lord found Victor, but he was different. He had suddenly switched his color - using technology - from black to gray.

"What happened?" asked Dark.

"I just... I'm not myself anymore..." said Victor, "My emotions and my personality got destroyed and... If I were actually him, he wouldn't...he wouldn't just leave someone to die like that... It''s all my fault..."

"Victor," said Dark, "It was not your fault. You have tried your best, and that is enough. Besides, the fire was completely an accident, so you shouldn't blame yourself. And if there is someone to blame, blame it on Alan. If he didn't make you defenseless, didn't try to kill off the others, you guys wouldn't need to do the experiment, so the accident wouldn't have happened. It was not your fault, it was Alan's."

"Thank you..." said Victor, "Thank you so much for helping me."

"No problem. We're friends, after all," said Dark with a smile on his face, "When you feel better, let's continue the project of The Box."

"Just wait for a minute," said Victor, "I already have ideas about the password system for The Box, I'll join you later and tell you."

"Alright!" said Dark, "See you later!"

The password... thought The Voice, I remember now! We were trying to break into The Box, then my powers were activating and made us unconscious!

I remember too... How long do we have to wait until we wake up?

Not too long. We should wake up after another few minutes. Also, we don't have to break into The Box anymore.


Second, I remember what the password is now.

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