The Darkness Before Dawn

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 Alan managed to break free of Victor's lasso. He used his cursor to grab him, and he automatically made the cursor right-click. Victor looked up, and knew that he was doomed once again.

Delete File: "Victim" ?

Yes    No

A part of Alan wanted to click "Yes". It was the lingering power of the curse, wanting to delete a stick figure once again. But there was another part of him, the real him, that was fighting back. He refused to give in. After so many years of being evil, it was time for him to do something good.

It was time to end the seventeen-year war of Animator versus Animation.

June 3, 2006.

The moment Victim realized that the creator was going to delete him, he knew that they lost. One click of Alan's cursor, and all five of them were left falling into the darkness. They were deleted.

Seventeen years later, Alan and Victor were in the exact same situation as when they first fought.

The ending was up to Alan. Again.

Victor expected to feel the pain of being deleted again. However, the longer he waited, the more it became obvious that this wasn't going to happen. Finally, Alan made the decision.

He clicked "No".

Alan wanted to tell Victor that he was sorry for what he had done, that he wished he wasn't evil, that he regretted every single terrible thing he had done towards his stick figures.

But instead, there was only silence between the two of them.

The door to The Box had finally opened. Green was the first one to rush inside. After seeing both Alan and Victor were safe, he asked the organization leader the question he was wondering ever since seeing his face.

"Victor Imanal," said Green, "Were you the stick figure that Alan had attacked seventeen years ago? Were you the one that Alan had tried to kill? Is your real name, given by Alan... Victim?"

It took Victor a while to process what Green had said. Then, he answered.

"I was," said Victor, "I was the fifth clone of Victim. But after...after an accident... I became someone else. Someone...much, much worse. I was Victim, but I no longer am. And the only thing I can do to help the real Victim, who had died just a while ago, is to get rid of Alan once and for all."

"Victor," said The Voice, who had just arrived, "Don't kill Alan. We need to talk about this with Dark and Chosen."

"I know the three of you are technically my brothers," said Victor, "But you are all just outsiders of the conflict between me and Alan!"

"But are we really just outsiders, Victor?"

But are we really just outsiders, Victor?

"What...?" Victor was shocked, "How...? The Voice...?"

"We have a lot to explain to you, Victor..." said The Voice.

"It's time to solve everything, once and for all."

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