Purple and The Recruit - Part One

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 A few minutes ago.

The alarm began to sound in the entire building. Agent Smith and the recruit ran towards the exit of the building as fast as they could. Agent Smith checked constantly on his watch to make sure the location of Bastilla. He could still remember the message they received from Bastilla just a few seconds ago.

"This is Bastilla, reporting to all members. Prisoner Second Coming attempted to escape, I am calling for reinforcements! I repeat, calling for reinforcements!"

The Second Coming is the one that the organization now know has powers so great, that it might be more powerful than Chosen's. His escape would be a huge trouble for the entire organization.

The two ran into the cell room, where The Box was and where all the prisoners were. The recruit knew that he was responsible for Second's escape, so he decided to look at the prison cells again to see who else there was to save.

He immediately stopped at the sight of someone. Someone that he missed the first time he came here, who was now the only prisoner in a cell.

Someone that he knew very well.


"What's wrong?" asked Agent Smith, who turned around to see that the recruit haven't followed him.

The recruit knew that he did terrible things to Purple. But even him wouldn't think about locking him up. This organization is somehow even worse than himself. He had to get Purple out of here. He had to.

The recruit pulled out a syringe from his inventory. Then, he stabbed it into Agent Smith's arm.

"WHAT ARE YOU- doing..." said Agent Smith before he fell unconscious and collapsed to the floor.

The recruit took the keys from Agent Smith and opened the cell where Purple was. Purple was so shocked at seeing him that he couldn't speak at all.

"We can talk later," said the recruit, "But we have to get out of here now."

Purple followed the recruit as they ran out of the room and towards the back exit, not the main one. The recruit knew that Second was still fighting with the others in the main exit, and he didn't want Purple to get into the mess. For once, he tried to be a good person. For Purple.

After they had left, there was a voice coming from Agent Smith's earpiece, which had already fallen off and landed on the ground.

"This is Hunter, reporting to team leader Agent Smith. Please report your current situation immediately. I repeat, please report your current situation immediately!"

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