The Dark Lord's Mission

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The Chosen One was shocked at who he saw.

The Dark Lord walked into The Box, staring The Chosen One with hatred in his eyes.

He punched Chosen hard, right in the chest. The Chosen One got knocked to the wall on the other side. The Dark Lord grabbed him by his throat and pointed the Dark Blade at him.

"I thought we were friends, Chosen..." said The Dark Lord, "But you BETRAYED me! To help ALAN! Weren't YOU the one who told me he was evil?! What was wrong with my plan?!"

The Chosen One couldn't talk. For once, he saw The Dark Lord's point of view. It made sense now. Dark wasn't as evil as Chosen thought, he just never realized what the virus could have done. If only Chosen had told him earlier, this would have never happened.

The Dark Lord raised his blade, ready to strike down. But he hesitated. All those memories of their friendship came back to him.

There were days when Chosen and Dark decides to take a walk in the park, and they would talk about their plans for the future. There were days when they speculated about what would happen in the future, and they used to joke about what would happen if the two of them fought against each other. If only they knew back then that it would really happen...

The Dark Lord's hand began shaking. More and more memories came back to him, convincing him to not kill his former best friend.

October 2, 2011.

The Chosen One had convinced The Dark Lord that Alan was evil. Now, both of them wanted to defeat Alan together.

"Want to be friends?" asked The Chosen One, reaching out his hand to The Dark Lord.

"Yes, I want us to be best friends," said The Dark Lord as he held Chosen's hand,


That was when The Dark Lord decided to fight against his own code. The code that, to this day, was still controlling him.

mission.The_Dark_Lord = destroy(The_Chosen_One)

"Why..." asked The Dark Lord. His blade was gone, "Why did you betray me, Chosen? Why?!"

"I knew the reason..." said Chosen, "I realized that the virus of the ViraBots could delete people, and I don't want that to happen when you take over the world. I thought you already knew, so when you didn't stop, I attacked you... I am sorry for what I had done, Dark. I am so sorry..."

"So that was the reason..." said The Dark Lord, "It's true, I didn't even notice that there was that problem with the ViraBots... I was overthinking it, and I thought you betrayed me. I also have to apologize for my reaction."

"So..." asked The Chosen One, "Can we... Be friends again?"

It was at that moment, that the device on The Dark Lord's arm finally shattered the code inside him. The Dark Lord was finally free.

"Yes!" said The Dark Lord, "I want to be friends with you, Chosen!"

The Dark Lord gave The Chosen One a big hug. And that wonderful moment would forever last in both of their minds.

mission.The_Dark_Lord = befriend(The_Chosen_One)

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